Let’s show some love to Latrisce. She dropped 24 pounds in 5 months with simple, practical changes, like portion control! This is more proof that practical changes work (fads don’t). Here is what she shared with us:
“My name is Latrisce. I’ve lost 24 pounds since August 1, 2013. I achieved this by mealtime portion control. I have a small plate that’s about 7 inches and if the food doesn’t fit on it, then I don’t eat it. I also have cut back significantly on sweets which is a real weakness of mine. I also drink more water than I use to but still not as much as I should (I’m working on that). It’s mental for me. If I am not hungry, I do not eat. I use to eat out of boredom or when I was offered food whether I was hungry or not. I refuse to do that now and I respectfully decline any offers of food if I am not hungry.
For exercise, I try to walk about a mile and a half 3 times a week . I also take the stairs when possible and park my car in a distant parking space when going to stores. I am very excited about my accomplishment and want to encourage others that they can do it as well. HAPPY NEW YEAR BWLW!!!!”
cherron r. wilson says
you look great