Weight Loss Story of the Day: Khalilah lost 30 pounds. After years of trying various ways to lose weight, this busy mom credits using HCG drops for her weight loss. Here is what she shared with us…
Almost 7 years ago, I became pregnant with my first son and gained 50 pounds, topping out at 225 lbs at delivery. I always looked at myself as being “thick” and since my husband wasn’t complaining I was fine with how I looked. Almost 9 months after having my son I was told by someone, “Girl! You still holding onto that weight huh? I dropped my weight right after I had both of my other children.” After hearing this I knew I had to do something.
Over the course of the next couple of years I joined gyms, bought workout DVDs and a treadmill. I also paid for a boot camp and due to over exertion and asthma I ended up in ICU for two days. The weight was not coming off and I was becoming increasingly frustrated. My confidence level was as low as it could possibly get. I was introduced to Omnitrition Omni Drops in May 2014 at a starting weight of 196.6 pounds (height 5’4″) and have lost 30 lbs in 52 days with this weight loss plan. The program consists of a restricted/healthier diet while taking HCG drops to target the fat areas in your body.
I’m a full-time mom, wife, manager, children’s director and don’t have a lot of extra time to workout. I have never felt more alive and full of energy and I want others to know it’s still possible to live your best life so now I’m helping others! I can play with my two boys without feeling exhausted. I no longer take naps at work followed by a 9pm bedtime. I now live each day rather than allowing each day to pass me by.
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