Today’s featured weight loss success story: Keiah lost 124 pounds and part of her journey has been becoming vegetarian. I think that more black women should explore the benefits of vegetarianism and going vegan. Embracing a plant-based diet can be a great way to increase health and lose weight.
Here is what Keiah had to say:
“My name is Keiah and I am very inspired by your web page, its keeps me motivated and going strong. I am so proud of all the beautiful black women featured, what an inspiration! I hope to do the same! I have lost 124 lbs so far. My heaviest weight was 334 and I am now 209. I want to lose about 50 more pounds. I started my weight loss journey in 2010. I have been a vegetarian for 3 years now. I work out an hour daily mixing weight training and cardio.”
GDillard says
Wow! You look amazing! I have ben thinking about becoming a vegan, you just helped me to say YES!!! Thank you for being an inspiration!!!
Mz Caligirl says
You look amazing…you are an inspiration to all of us women…I admire your discipline more than anything!!! Way to go girl!!!
Keiah Barlow says
Thank you so can do it! This was the best decision I ever made!
Keisha says
Do the thing congrats you look awesome
Keiah Barlow says
Thank you Keisha!
Joan Franklin says
You look simply marvelous. We are doing the Daniel’s Fast at church now which is just fruit and vegetables. I am considering after the Fast doing fruits/vegies with smoothies during the week and maybe eating what I want during the weekend for a while to lose weight. We will see. I am not sure that I can give up meat permanently. You still have to get your protein in and I know beans and other foods allow you your protein. I must have my chicken or fish at some point. However, I am very proud of you. Keep it up. I need to lose around 50 pounds.
Keiah Barlow says
Thank you Joan. It was very hard at first giving up meat but once I made up my mind I was done. I really started cutting back but never had the intention of giving it up completly. Once I started to look and feel better after a few months I knew I made the right decision for me. I get protein so many ways beans, nuts, tofu, tempeh,spinach,greek yogurt, name a few. I do a green smoothie once daily either breakfast or dinner after I work out. I make sure to have a great lunch.I use all kind of fruits with baby spinach but my fav is strawberries bananas and kiwi.Good luck on your journey and if you need any help just email me.
Yolanda Dunmore says
Congratulations on your weight loss!!! You look amazing. You will attain your goal of losing an additional 50 pounds. Thank you for sharing your story. For those looking to explore a vegetarian and/or vegan lifestyle but think that you can’t get enough protein in your life — this simply is not true. Log your nutrition in My Fitness Pal or Lose It! And you will see your totals are spot on.
Keiah Barlow says
Thank you so much Yolanda!
Candy says
I am so proud of your determination and persistence. Keep up the excellent work. Thank you for sharing your story. I think everyone should try to incorporate a couple of meatless days into their week.
Davina says
Wow…inspiring! I became vegan January 1st of this year.. My highest weight was 327…I am now 287. My main goal is a 32′ waist.
Much success to you
Keiah Barlow says
Thank you Davina..congrats to your decision go Vegan! Stay motivated and positive you will reach your goal in no time. Working out daily really increased my weightloss and drinking alot of water as well. People always told me that but I realized it really makes a difference. Enjoy the journey!
Darlene says
What type of weights?
Keiah Barlow says
I do a workout called P.I.N.K. its awesome.
Sonya D.Carter says
Congratsto you,job well done,you are an inspiration! Great job!
Keiah Barlow says
Thank you Sonya!
Stacy D Freeman says
Congrats to you….
Keiah Barlow says
Thank you Stacy!
Cherron says
Good job, you look great