Transformation of the Day: Kara lost 66 pounds. She ruptured her Patellar Tendon and had to endure surgeries and physical therapy. An Arthritis diagnosis and terrible pain followed years later. Knowing that weight loss would help to relieve the pain, she decided to have Gastric Sleeve surgery and change her lifestyle.
It was in 2014 when I ruptured my Patellar Tendon and had to immobile for a total of eight weeks. I stand 5’4″ and at the time I weighed nearly 300 pounds (296lbs to be exact). I had to undergo surgery to repair the tendon.
In 2015, I had to undergo another surgery to remove the hardware from my knee. Then, I went on to have countless amounts of physical therapy but never regained 100% function of my knee.
I tried diet and exercise, but my weight was still like a yo-yo going up and down. The more I pushed myself, the more I felt like I was failing because my weight was yet at a stand still. I was also an emotional eater, so you know that didn’t help the situation.
It was in 2018 when old Arthur (Arthritis) showed his ugly face, and the pain it caused is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. My doctor gave me an injection to help with the pain, and it worked for a while. Of course, when you’re overweight, the advice you get from many doctors is “YOU HAVE GOT TO LOSE THE WEIGHT. or get injections every three months.” Hmm, I’ll take the surgery for 10 Joe…lol.
So on 06/06/2019, I decided to take a step for me, and I had Gastric Sleeve weight loss surgery. I can say that surgery has truly been good for me.
Eating Habits: I changed my eating habits cutting carbs. My biggest problem was potatoes and bread. I didn’t eat many vegetables before. However, cutting carbs turned me on to eating spinach and broccoli, and now I love those veggies.
Exercise: I’ve always enjoyed cardio dance workouts, walking, etc. I try to walk at least three times a week and do at least three miles per session. Now, I’m proud to say that I’m going to be working out with a personal trainer this year.
My current weight is 230 pounds, and the biggest lesson I’ve learned through this Sleeve journey is MIND OVER MATTER.
I would say to anyone who is struggling with deciding on surgery, make the decision that is the best fit for your life. Pray and ask God to guide you. Trust the process. My only regret is not knowing about the procedure sooner.
Instagram: @Mzkadiemae
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