Weight Loss Story of the Day: Jasmaine lost 51 pounds. Diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, she decided it was time to kick the soda habit, eat healthy and work out regularly. Check out her story below: “A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I weighed 240lbs. At that time, I lived on Pepsi cola. I had to change my lifestyle and eating habits. My family made accommodations for me that year at Thanksgiving by making my Sweet Potato Pie with Splenda (gross). At that moment, I wanted to get off the medication that my doctor prescribed for me. I gave up drinking 2-liters of Pepsi a day and changed my eating habits some…LOL. Got my membership to Planet Fitness and worked out 2 hours a day for 3 months. Then I stopped and at the time I weighed 245 lbs. That was this past Spring. Then I took ill and had to have an emergency hysterectomy. As I recovered I took eating healthy more serious. I began walking 5 days a week for 1.5 miles. This helped me out tremendously. Today I weigh 194 pounds. I haven’t weighed anything under 200 lbs in over 10 years. This weight loss journey took me 13 months including the breaks. If you are looking to be successful with weight loss and a healthier lifestyle, you have to stick with it and keep supportive people around you. Do it the healthy way. Make sure you go to the doctor on a regular basis and encourage yourself.” Instagram: @jasmaineshort
KGenie says
You look fantastic! Stay Blessed and congrats to putting your health FIRST:)
Talulazoeapple says
You look great. Keep up the good work.
Marzina says
Hello, my name is Marzina and I have been trying to lose my belly fat. I have irritable bowel syndrome so everything I have tried so far have not work and I will like some help.
Stacey says
You look wonderful…….keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your story. Everyone I read just give me more and more inspiration that I can do the same thing.