Jaclyn lost 39 pounds. While going through a difficult custody battle, this Physical Education teacher used exercise as an outlet to maintain her physical and mental health. She is also found intermittent fasting to be a very effective tool.
What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going when you wanted to give up?
I’d been going through a very trying custody battle that weighed on me physically and emotionally. I started working out as an outlet to keep my mind clear and sound so I would be prepared to receive my son.
I won. Once I was blessed to receive my son back, I vowed that I would never let myself go in such a manner. I was better than that. God made me stronger than that.
How did you change your eating habits?
It was hard to change my eating habits, but I continued to push. Initially, I struggled because I refused to let go of certain foods and thought I could work out through the bad eating. (Boy was I wrong).
I spent thousands of dollars on trainers, workout plans, and fitness challenges (CrossFit, kickboxing, etc.). I decided to fast during the last year of going back and forth through court hearings. I researched intermittent fasting and the benefits of it. I found it to be extremely flexible and energizing.
My fasting window is from 8 pm to 12 pm. Each day, I would choose to eliminate either meat, carbs, or processed foods. Eventually, my body wanted more healthier options. Through time and trial and error, I have been able to keep my weight stabilized. Cutting out sugary alcohol, juices, sodas, and limiting my meat intake has contributed to the rapid weight loss I achieved.
What did your workout routine consist of? How often did you workout?
I’m a Physical Education teacher, so I made it a point to work out with my students each and every day during the workweek (no matter how low the impact). It made me a better teacher and kept my students engaged. With intermittent fasting, I had so much energy that I always wanted to move, which helped me rapidly lose weight.
What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
I started at 187 pounds, and now I am at 148 pounds.
What is your height?
When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take? Although I started my Journey in February 2017, I didn’t become serious and consistent until October 2019. I was able to lose 30 pounds in two months. I had a bad heartbreak that put me in a depressed state, and that contributed to the weight falling off (don’t do that).
I hated the way my body looked after losing the weight. My booty was flat, and my skin was kind of loose, so I stuck with resistance training and bodyweight exercises to build muscle definition. (This type of exercise burns more calories than cardio, btw).
Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
I have not had any surgery.
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
I’ve learned to be a better person for myself, not others. By doing this, you enjoy life a lot better, and you will definitely be more consistent.
What advice do you have for people who want to lose weight?
- Never give up on your goals, no matter how little they are.
- Gradually wean yourself off of continually eating unhealthy food. It’s ok to eat what you like IN MODERATION.
- Don’t crash diet…you will sometimes regress worse than where you started. Be realistic
- Make YOU a priority
Instagram: @jackmyvibez
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