Let’s show some BWLW love to Tomeria. She lost 23 pounds and is focused on keeping her curves in a healthy way. After struggling for years, she is now sharing her weight loss success story with us:
“My motivation for losing weight was a desire to be healthier and more confident. I’ve always struggled with my weight because no matter how I looked to others I wasn’t happy with myself. This caused added stress and my weight continually fluctuated because I wasn’t confident in who I was. With a smile on my face, I was secretly unhappy with my body image. I am more confident and I know that I don’t have to be a size 6 to be healthy. I am currently a 14/16 but I see and feel the difference in just a short period. This will keep me pushing towards my ultimate goal which is to weigh less than 200 lbs. Looks can be definitely be deceiving.
I recently relocated to a new state and I am now within walking distance of a Whole Foods and my job. This makes eating healthier a breeze because I cook more, eat out less and purchase more fresh foods versus processed foods. At my heaviest, I was working out but my poor food choices made it difficult to lose weight so I stayed in the 225-234 pound range. Since the scale didn’t reflect a significant change, I found comfort in food which was counter productive.
My workout routine consists of 3-4 days of cardio for a minimum of 30 minutes. My cardio choices include Zumba, Kickboxing and Walking. I also began to incorporate strength and weight training for at least 30 minutes two times a week. I’ve found that including my workouts in my daily plan make it easier to stick with it.
My starting weight was 234 pounds. I currently weigh 211 pounds. It has taken 3 months to witness a true transformation but I’m not stopping here. My goal is to keep my curves healthy.”
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