Drink More Water! That is one of the pillars of weight loss and one of the top tips you’ll hear on your weight release journey. Why? Because cutting out soda, store bought juice and drinks that are full of processed sugar is key to weight loss and health.
What is Detox Water?
Detox Water is basically water infused with fruit, veggies, herbs, tea or spices. Some people also add things like apple cider vinegar, honey or agave. The thought is that while you are detoxing, cleansing or just transitioning your diet to a more healthy one for the purposes of weight loss, you will benefit from the “detoxing” benefits of the ingredients in these water recipes. It’s true, there are lots of benefits that can be derived from a number of ingredients, but simply putting a variety of natural additives in water will not detox your body alone. Do your research! Detox water is not an effective quick fix or magic elixir. However, infusing water can make it taste great and that is the MAJOR benefit, especially for people who have issues with getting enough water. Drinking more great tasting water is a win, whether your are trying to lose weight or just improve your overall health.
Helpful Tools for Making Infused Water
- Mini wire strainer
- Glass mason jars
- Glass infuser bottle
- BPA free plastic infuser bottle
- Stainless steel muddler – for crushing fruit and herbs
- Set of sharp knives
Ditch the sports drinks and flavor your water with nature’s goodness!
Cucumber Lemon Belly Fat Buster
Slim Down Detox Water – Cucumbers, Lemon, Grapefruit, Mint and Lime
Belly Slimming Detox Water – Cucumber, Strawberry and Basil
Chia Detox Water – “Chia seeds are gluten free and a good source of calcium and fiber. They are also supposed to help curb your appetite.”
Lavender Lemonade – Made with dried lavender and agave or honey for sweetness. Amazing!
Blueberry Orange Detox Water
Mojito Infused Detox Water – Just Lime and Mint. Great for sugar cravings.
Sparkling Citrus Coconut Water – Instead of regular water, you can use coconut water. Here is an example. Choose the most natural brand you can find (natural ingredients).
Cinnamon Strawberry Detox Water – Cinnamon has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and immunity-boosting properties. More info.
Green Tea Citrus Infused Water – Grapefruit, Lemon, Green Tea and Maple Syrup for sweetness.
Blueberry and Sage Infused Water – Sage has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Strawberry Mango Infused Water – Great for sugar cravings or soda cravings. All natural sugar.
Pineapple, Kiwi and Passion Fruit Water – Another great combination for sugar cravings.
Detox Ginger Lemonade – Made with Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger, Honey and Lemon.
Turmeric Pick-Me-Up – Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents.
Beets and Pineapple Infused Water – Beets are high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium and vitamin B.
Cucumber, Lemon and Rosemary Infused Water – Very refreshing, like spa water.
12 Detox Water combinations from DiyNCrafts

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