Weight Loss Story of the Day: Denetra lost 67 pounds with weight loss surgery. She decided to have the gastric sleeve procedure as a tool to fight stroke and high blood pressure. Here is what she had to say about losing the weight:
“Hi, wanted to share my photo. I had the gastric sleeve surgery last year on October 9th 2012 and I have lost 67 pounds with exercising and eating right. It is definitely a struggle but I encourage everyone to find what works for them . The photos are 2010 top left, 2011 top right, 2012 bottom left, and today 2013.”
What was your motivation? “My motivation to lose weight was when the doctor told me that I had high blood pressure. I was borderline for a stroke because of my cholesterol being so high. I also had constant back and neck pain.”
How did you change your eating habits? “I changed my eating habits but nothing was working. So I decided to have the gastric sleeve in October 2012. Now, I eat 4 oz of food every 2 to 3 hours. I drink lots of water. No sugars no breads no heavy carbs…no fried foods. I can’t eat and drink at the same time because of the smaller size of my stomach. It’s definitely an adjustment especially when I used to eat and drink at the same time. Do that now and I will regret it. I eat 1800-2000 protein a day. Its hard and expensive.
What did your workout routines look like? “I now workout 3 to 4 times a week. It gets difficult at times, when I feel like I just don’t want to exercise. I look at where I was to where I am at now.”
What was your starting weight? “I weighed 230 pounds”
What is your current weight? “I am 163 pounds.”
How long did your transformation take? “It has been one year (October 9th) since I had the gastric sleeve.”
What advice to you have for others who want to lose weight? “When losing weight we can get lost in the wrong things, such as wanting to change for others or wanting to be able to get into that special outfit. However, weight loss is for you and your health. You have to want to change and do it to make you happy. It gets discouraging at times but you should surround yourself with positive people who will support you. Losing weight is mind over matter. It matters what you think about yourself, so don’t mind what others think about you.”
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