Update Aug 2015: Claire sent in a new after photo and let us know that she lost more 15 pounds, with 20 lbs to go. That’s 130 pounds gone so far. Check her out on Facebook.
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Claire lost 115 pounds.  She shared with us about the emotion pain she had to deal with while being bullied for being overweight. She now wants to inspire others to lose weight and get healthy.
Being overweight really affected me, not only fiscally but emotionally as well. I was made fun off, bullied, laughed at and discriminated against by friends, family, people at work and on the streets. It took me a long time to have the courage and motivation to loose the weight.
I realized that eating healthier and living a healthier lifestyle is loving me in every single way, no matter how people could be so mean towards me due to my obesity. You made me see that eating healthy is so delicious. I was so ashamed to go out, I had low self esteem and I was feeling worthless. I want to thank Black Women Losing Weight for helping me to face that big fear I had and giving me the motivation to love myself and be proud of who I am.
Losing this weight has given me peace and made me so proud of myself. By losing weight I am able to inspire a lots of people and I want to help others who are also fighting obesity. I was 310 pounds and now I’m 195 pounds (height 5’4″). My goal is to be 160 lbs and I’m still on a diet and working on reaching my goal. It has been 11 months now on my weigh lost journey and I’m proud to have lost 115 lbs so far.
FB page: Never Give Up On Your Goal
mary says
congrats on the weight loss!!! your story truly touched my heart…i found own myself in what you shared i.e. laughed at, being picked on, starred at because of the all weight my body is carrying.Thank you for letting me know there’s hope for me too 🙂
KGenie says
Wow I love your facebook page it has so much great info. Keep inspiring us and good job!
Latoria says
You are awesome. Your story touched my heart. Keeping me encouraged.
Missy says
Amazing journey. Thank yiu for sharing your story