Today is all about figuring out what kinds of foods you will eat on a regular basis. Our foundation will be clean eating. Why? Because you can eat clean on any diet plan and with any eating philosophy. For example: There is vegan and vegetarian junk food that is full of chemicals and devoid of nutrients. […]
Weight Loss Advice
14 Day Plan and Prep – Lesson 6: Analyze your 5 Day Food Log
It is time to analyze your 5 day food log. Pull out those workbooks and food logs. You can record your answers to the questions below in your fillable workbook (pages 5 and 6) or in a notebook/journal. Before going forward with creating a healthy meal plan, you need to take the time to really […]
14 Day Plan and Prep – Lesson 5: Eating Healthy on a Budget
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be overly expensive. Yes, it may take planning and some extra effort, but it’s well worth it in the long run. My number one tip: Food should be a line item in your budget. The keyword in “On a budget” is budget. If you aren’t (a) aware of how much money […]
14 Day Plan and Prep – Lesson 4: Learn all about Nutrition
We are blessed to live in an age when there is tons of information at our fingertips. One of the most important things you can read up on during your weight release journey is nutrition. Why? Because there are so many myths and misconceptions out there about healthy food. What’s true and what’s not true? Will […]
14 Day Plan and Prep – Lesson 3: Drop Your Excuses
Tough Love Time. One of the main things that will keep you from being honest and accountable on this journey is making excuses. We make excuses because we don’t want to be judged. We make excuses because we don’t want to face the truth. We make excuses because we don’t have the answers. There are […]
14 Day Plan and Prep – Lesson 2: Stress Eating and Emotional Eating
Stress eating, emotional eating and eating for comfort involve the consumption of calories when the body is sufficiently fueled and not hungry. Eating when you’re not hungry can lead to weight gain, self-esteem issues, depression and avoidance of working through stressful situations and difficult emotions. I’ve had a stress eating issue at work before and […]
14 Day Plan and Prep – Lesson 1: Why should you log your food?
Hello All, Today marks the start of our 14 Day Plan and Prep Challenge. Many experts and nutritionists encourage people to keep a food journal when they are trying to lose weight. Why, because keep track forces you to be conscious of your eating habit in a different way. You will be surprised to learn how much of […]
14 Day Plan and Prep Challenge
BWLW October Challenge Details! I’m so excited about helping you get on track with your eating goals. We are focused on clean eating habits and meal planning this month. There is no exercise portion, but if you are looking for workout challenge, check out our exercise board on Pinterest. Goal: Help you to create a […]
Crunchy Curried Vegetables
I love a good salad and I love snacking on crunchy vegetables. I’ve been eating a lot of broccoli and cauliflower lately and I wanted to take it in a little different direction flavor wise. I also wanted to create something that would work with the Raw Vegan journey I’m trying to transition to. This […]
12 Exercises that Help Shape Your Buns and Legs
Here is the list of great Leg and Booty shaping exercises. Bodyweight Squat Lunges – Calf Raises Split Squat Deadlift with Dumbbells Plie Squats Jump Squats Pulsing Lunges Donkey Kicks Squats with an Alternating Kickback Jumping Jacks Mountain Climbers – Regular and Modified for Beginners PS: If you go to the gym and have access […]