Update Jan 2019: Mercedes is more toned and 15lbs leaner for a total of 130 pounds gone. How have you maintained your weight loss and continued to lose weight? I was doing Keto and intermittent fasting, but I found an amazing trainer who pushes me every morning with challenging but fun workouts. Out went the […]
Ashley lost 134 pounds
Update: Ashley has brought her weight loss total to 130+ pounds. Back in 2016, we shared her story of losing 60+ pounds. Check out how she’s continued to make progress and get results. How have you maintained your succcess and continued to lose weight? I realized what people meant when they said that weight loss […]
Kenyatta lost 49 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kenyatta lost 49 pounds. Intermittent fasting, walking and weight lifting worked for her. During her journey, this mom learned that mindset is just as important as exercise and eating right. Check out her story. I’m a 38 year old wife and mom of 3 girls. Being able to play around and […]
Jewel lost 62 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jewel lost 62 pounds. At a young age. her weight and health became a focal point for not just her, but her whole family. With their love and support, she adopted a low carb diet, worked out daily and transformed her lifestyle. Check out her journey. I never really grasped how […]
Shuronda lost 35 pounds
Shuronda lost 35 pounds. After the loss of both of her parents, she used eating as an outlet and that led to weight gain. A trainer at her job suggested that she workout with a weighted hula hoop and that has been a game changer for her. Check out her story. What was your motivation? […]
Maria lost 41 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Maria lost 41 pounds and transformed her body. After the birth of her second child, she experienced depression and weight gain. Eventually, she let go of her excuses and commited to a healthy new lifestyle. Check out her story. First picture: May 2017 – 175 pounds Second picture: June 22nd 2018 […]
Crystal lost 42 pounds
Crystal lost 42 pounds. Her motivation was fitting into her clothes again and getting off of blood pressure meds. She learned that having patience and keeping track of what you are eating is key. Check out her journey. What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going when you wanted to give up? My motivation […]
Marsi lost 52 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Marsi lost 52 pounds this year. Her family is dealing with a history of diabetes and heart disease. She wants to reverse the trend and be an example for her loved ones. By eating a Ketogenic diet and working out, she is getting results. Check out her story. What was your motivation? My […]
Regina lost 118 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Regina lost 118 pounds. She was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure in college. Making jokes about her health before others could became her routine. Now she is medicine free, devoted to fitness and full of self love. Check out how she did it. These probably aren’t my heaviest pics […]
Kinyonna lost 67 pounds
Tranformation of the Day: Kinyonna lost 67 pounds. A photo taken at church gave her a wakeup call. She was shocked at how much weight she’d gained. Releasing the weight not only required new eating and exercise habits, but she had to learn how to love her body. Check out her journey. What was your […]