Let’s show some BWLW sistahood love to Desire. With Lap band surgery, exercise and eating right she has lost 125 pounds! She looks great! https://www.facebook.com/desire.pool.79 For more great before and afters, visit www.blackwomenlosingweight.com
Before and After Photos
Shawna has lost 30 pounds!
BWLW Facebook member Shawna has lost 30 pounds! She is determined to reach her weight loss goal! She says, ” I started my journey about a year ago…no surgery I just changed my eating habits letting go of the white and switched to whole wheats…i use to eat only once or twice a day now […]
Lauren became a Vegan, lost weight and changed her LIFE!
Today’s featured before and after comes from Lauren Forster Walls aka Vegan Radiance. She has lost pounds and transformed her health with a plant based vegan diet. I think her story is amazing and I’m happy to share it with you all. I really believe in a vegan and/or raw food diet and I’m in […]
Miami lost 75 pounds!!
Today we are celebrating BWLW online community member Miami’s 75 pound weight loss! She says, “I began my weight loss journey in November of 2011. After I had my baby I was in a horrible relationship and that caused me to think less of myself and eat. I ate to hide my feelings because I […]
Caren has gone from 260 in Nov 2011 to 206!
Caren has gone from 260 in Nov 2011 to 206 now!! She looks GREAT. She says, “Hiii!!!, Im Green ( as they call me). Im so happy to be apart of this page. I needed the extra motivational push. Well, I was going through complete hell last year, and i was already big and i […]
Tiffany has lost 55 pounds
Let’s show Tiffany some BWLW love for sharing her 55 pound weight loss journey with us!! She says, “Exactly one year ago in September, I began my healthier living journey. My breaking point was a photo posted to Facebook by a friend. Was that really me?! I kindly asked the friend to remove the photo […]
Skye has lost 56 pounds
Online Community Member Kiluni Skye has transformed her health and her body and gone from 224 lbs to 179 pounds since June. She has posted a number of photos from her journey on blackwomenlosingweight.com. She says, “I started my official weight loss journey on June 16, 2012 and at that time I weighed in at […]
Dating Blogger Kitty has gone from 186 to 157
BWLW Facebook Member and Dating Blogger Kitty has gone from 186 down to 157. She says, “If the BMI Mass Index was developed in a Caucasian context… and It is less accurate in non-white populations…why do doctors use this same index on minorities knowing that it is inaccurate? How can minorities fight the war on […]
Fitness Powerhouse Dreama went from 215 to 165!
Fitness Powerhouse Dreama Davidson has gone from 215 lbs TO 165 lbs. She is EXTRA fit!! She says, “My workout regime consists of resistant training/heavy cardio…Weight and power lifting and a lot stretching. I work out 5 days a week with 2 resting days spread out. (on occasion I might do just cardio on a […]
BWLW Member Wiltrina’s Weight Loss Featured in Huff Post
2012: Congrats to BWLW Member Wiltrina for being featured in the Huffington Post!! She has lost more than 200 pounds and is training for a fitness competition! Her current weight is 165 and she is still losing. Her website is www.iusetobeu.com. She is also on Facebook. She tells the HuffPost, “Today I eat clean. I eat six […]