Juliana lost 43 pounds. She turned negative energy from her ex into positive inspiration. She got results by embracing the keto life and working out twice daily, five days a week.
Before and After Photos
LaQuisha lost 60 pounds
Transformation of the Day: LaQuisha lost 60 pounds with healthy habits and exercise. Her fitness journey started when she joined a boot camp program, and she worked out with them for four years. She also made intermittent fasting part of her daily routine. Social Media:Instagram: @quisha1908 When did you start your journey?I became motivated in 2009 to start […]
Kimberly lost 137 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kimberly lost 137 pounds. She decided to change her life because she was experiencing gallbladder issues and was a risk for liver disease. Although she got results working with a bariatric team, she realized she could lose the weight on her own without surgery. Social Media:Instagram: @kim_nicole82 What was your motivation? What inspired […]
ShaRhonda lost 138 pounds
Her father passed unexpectedly in 2018. She knew that her father wanted her to take action, and she wanted to be a fit and healthy mom for her young son. So, she had gastric sleeve surgery in 2021.
Mary lost 102 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Mary lost 102 pounds with a low-carb lifestyle. She and her twin sister were both diagnosed with congestive heart failure and type 2 diabetes. After her sister passed due to cardiac arrest, she knew it was time to make some changes.
Jeree lost 39 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jeree lost 39 pounds. She knew it was time to change her life when her health issues began to scare her husband and kids. She didn’t want to cause them stress or worry, so she changed her eating habits and began walking more. Social Media:TikTok: @jereeanderson8 Instagram: @lvn_my_bst.lyf What was your motivation? What inspired you […]
Alaina lost 97 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Alaina lost 97 pounds. She struggled for years with emotional eating, eating for comfort, and weight gain. After being diagnosed with several health issues, including PCOS and fatty liver disease, she decided to take action by having gastric bypass surgery and changing her lifestyle. Social Media:@Rnywith.alainaaa is my Instagram and Tiktok information where […]
Simone lost 150 pounds
Simone was motivated to change her life by her love for her son, her family’s health history, and a desire to be truly happy and healthy.
Tashna’s weight loss journey
After a serious health scare, she decided to focus on health and fitness. She is chronicling her fitness journey online.
Tiffany lost 67 pounds
Tiffany mother’s colon cancer diagnosis motivated her to switch her eating habits and embrace a more active lifestyle. She became a Vegan/plant-based eater and learned the power of consistency.