Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Tiffanie lost 68 pounds. She made the decision to change, found a supportive group, changed her eating habits and worked out regularly. Her results are awesome. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss transformation… My name is Tiffanie and I would like to share my weight […]
Before and After Photos
Kenya lost 95 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Kenya lost 95 pounds. This single mom is raising 7 children. She embraced plant-based eating and regular exercise. Here is what she shared with us about her weight release journey… In 2013, I was 325 pounds. Now in 2015, I’m down to 230 pounds (height: 5’9″ tall) with hard work and […]
Natalie lost 50 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Natalie lost 50 pounds. Her wakeup call was being diagnosed with diabetes. She shared her before and after photos and some info on how she changed her lifestyle… My name is Natalie Burns. In 2013, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I decided that it was time […]
Rachel lost 55 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Rachel lost 55 pounds in 6 months. Weary of quick fix, fad diets, she took the time to research and educate herself on how to change her lifestyle and lose weight in a healthy way. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey… My name is Rachel, […]
Glenda lost 75 pounds
May 2016 – Glenda is still on a mission. “Still going strong! I’m down to 197 pounds from 323 pounds! I’m determined to make it to my goal! I am still meatless and I workout 5 days a week for one hour, rain or shine.” Nov 2015 – Glenda wrote in to let us know that […]
Sharonda lost 108 pounds
Update 2016 – Sharonda wrote in to share that she’s lost 37 pounds more, for a total of 145 pounds gone in 2 years. Faith, commitment and consistency have been major factors in her success. Read her update and what she shared with us back in 2015. Update: On this day 2 years ago, on a Monday morning before […]
Aundrea lost 106 pounds
Update Nov 2015 – Aundrea has lost 13 more pounds since April for a total of 119 pounds gone. “I was featured back in April and thought that I would send you an update. I have lost another 10 lbs and my current weight is 172 pounds. Also, I am a vegan now. My goal is […]
Johanna lost 54 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Johanna lost 54 pounds. She got fed up with years of her weight going up and down and decided to change her eating habits and embrace regular exercise, running in particular. She’s done 12 5k’s and 1 10k. Here is what she shared with us… My name is Johanna […]
Stormy lost 105 pounds
Update Jan 2016: Stormy lost 21 more pounds for a total of 126 pounds gone. Read what she recently shared on Instagram and what she shared with us back in April about how she lost the weight. “Sometimes I get really bogged down when my progress slows down. Starting graduate school last semester forced me […]
Shirley lost 33 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Shirley lost 33 pounds and transformed her body with strength training. This sista from Curaçao experienced college weight gain and wanted to not just lose weight, but to honor her body temple. Here is what she shared with us… My name is Shirley and I’m 1.65. I started with a weight of 80kg (176 […]