Three out from having VSG surgery, she has figured out how to maintain her results. In the interview, she shares the healthy habits and lifestyle changes that make up her routine.
Before and After Photos
Yolanda lost 95 pounds
Yolanda lost 95 pounds by focusing on nutrition and exercise. For this proud mom, her children are her primary motivation. Her daughter even helps plan her meals and workouts.
Yanique lost 53 pounds
She figured out how to maintain her success by following the plan her nutritionist and trainer created. Of course, maintenance is the hard part for many when it comes to weight, so we love to hear about how people have been successful long term.
Noelle lost 44+ pounds
When her weight began to affect her mental health, which contributed to more weight gain, she knew it was time to change her lifestyle. She has transformed by focusing on healthy habits, working with a trainer, and embracing the low-carb life.
Monique lost 62 pounds
She found her motivation after losing her mother and several other family members to colon cancer. She began to study food, ate healthier, high-fiber foods, and focused on colon health.
Radiance lost 95 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Radiance lost 95 pounds with healthy food and exercise. She was uncomfortable in her body. She also felt that her physical health was at risk, along with her mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Alexis lost 65 pounds
Alexis lost 65 pounds. With her kids in mind, she decided to lead by example and address her weight gain to avoid future health issues. She shares how she changed her eating habits and worked hard in the gym to get results.
Alisha lost 48 pounds
She is motivated by her children and her mother, who in her late thirties due to preventable diseases. During this journey, she embraced self-discipline, found a love for running, and adopted a style of eating that truly working for her.
Erika lost 172 pounds
After being diagnosed with several healthy issues, including diverticulitis, she decided to have weight loss surgery in 2020. She recently turned 40, and she is thriving.
Della lost 38 pounds
She is representing Trinidad and Tobago and figured out how to enjoy her country’s “delights”! Intermittent fasting with the OMAD method really worked for her, along with walking for exercise.