Transformation of the Day: Meaghan lost 34 pounds in 3 months. At 5’2″ and 290 pounds, she had a number of health issues and low self confidence. The passing of a family member due to heart attack was also a serious motivating factor. Check out how she released the weight. My journey began in 2014. […]
Before and After Photos
Tanya lost 51 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tanya lost 51 pounds. When her new doctor told her that her weight was right at the line to be considered obese, it was the wakeup call she needed. She found the motivation to change her eating habits, seek out free challenges online to help motivate her and commit a new lifestyle. Check […]
Belinda lost 140 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Belinda lost 140 pounds. At 408 pounds, she was suffering with a lot of health challenges, including diabetes, hypertension, knee pain and arthritis. Her doctor let her know that with health eating, she could address her illnesses and be free of meds. Check out what she did to transform her health. In […]
Dorothy lost 115 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Dorothy lost 115 pounds. Faith and changing her mindset were key to her success. She didn’t cut out her favorite foods. Instead, she used moderation and lots of exercise to transform her body. Now, this awesome mom wants to become a personal trainer and help others. Check out what she shared with us. […]
Trece lost 101 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Trece lost 101 pounds this year. She realized that she had to stop using the fact that she’d recently given birth as an excuse for her weight. This Delta Sigma Theta soror heard about a great program that her line sister was using and it was just the support and accountability […]
Jessica has gone from a size 20 to a size 14
Jessica has gone from a size 20 to a size 14. She started out at 305 pounds and no longer tracks her progress with a scale. Her motivation was wanting to get healthy for the benefit of her children and husband. She put in the work and has started a fitness company to help others change […]
Staci lost 56 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Staci lost 56 pounds by going Paleo. She wanted to be fit and fabulous on her 40th birthday. She also wanted to be the healthiest mom she could be for her Autistic son. She put in the work and it shows. Check out her awesome story. My name is Staci and […]
Monica lost 127 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Monica lost 127 pounds. With her family as her inspiration, with the support of her husband and with a willingness to adapt and find out what worked for her, she has succeeded in losing the pounds and getting off high blood pressure medication. For approximately 3 years she’s been on a mission […]
Jennifer lost 110 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jennifer lost 110 pounds. After the passing of her daughter’s father she was depressed and emotional eating took over. After a sobering wake up call, she realized how much she wanted to be the healthiest mom she could for her daughter and herself. Prayer, conditioning her mind and preparation are the […]
Martina lost 100 pounds
Martina lost 100 pounds. After battling the pounds since she was a pre-teen, she found success in her thirties. Connecting with inspirational messages and loving herself has been key to her journey. It’s been about personal development as well as weight loss for her. Check out her story. After dieting my entire life, from the […]