Update Nov 2017: Alicia lost more than 50 pounds and has kept it off for a year. She’s gone from a size 18 to a size 8. We asked her to share how she’s been able to maintain her success. Starting weight: 221.8lbs Current weight: 171lbs Total weight loss: 50.8lbs How have you maintained your weight […]
Before and After Photos
Keora lost 42 pounds
Update Nov 2017: Keora lost 42 lbs in 2016 but gained more than half the weight back by May 2017. She’s worked hard since then and embraced intermitten fasting to get results. She’s now surpassed her success from 2016 and is down 54 pounds total. In November 2016, I had managed to loose 42 pounds. […]
Ary lost 89 pounds
Update 2019: Shout out to Ary. She has kept the weight off for more than 3 years. She’s gone from a size 16 to a size 6. Her current weight is 140 pounds, for a total of 90 pounds gone. @onmywaytogreatness30 Transformation of the Day: Ary lost 89 pounds, going from a size 16 to a […]
LockMarie lost 80 pounds
Transformation of the Day: LockMarie lost 80 pounds. This petite mom lost the weight and has kept it off for the last 6 years. She learned the importance of portion control, fitness and having the right mindset. Check out her story and the advice she shared with us. I have been on a quest to share and […]
Tia lost 81 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Tia lost 81 pounds. She is a single mom from Boston who committed to a healthy lifestyle in early 2015. Avoiding a family history of diabetes and heart disease was one of her main motivations. Check out how she took action by changing her eating habits and exercising. Her hard work has […]
Lisa lost 66 pounds
Update 2017: Over the course of one year, Lisa has released 94 pounds and gone from a size 24 to a size 8. For her, this journey has been about finding herself, letting go of limits, setting new goals and being in the best shape of her life. You guys featured me back when I’d lost […]
Shanelle lost 23 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Shanelle has lost 23 pounds since July. She says that fitness saved her life and gave her relief from stress, pain, sadness and anger. This Masters student is still transforming and working towards her ultimate goals, but she wanted to share her progress with us. Check out her story. My name is Shanelle and I […]
Benitra lost 60 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Benitra lost 60 pounds in 5 months. Losing weight helped her to get rid of depression and self isolation. She prayed for the strength to lose the pounds and get healthy so that she could be a better wife and mother. Check out her success story. My name is Benitra and I want […]
Jermarilyn lost 70 pounds
Happy Sunday fitfam!!! Get up, and don’t forget your goals!!! We got this!!!❤️🖤💛 👍🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏽👌🏽fitness #eathealthy #yesthatsme #ididit #youcandoit #patience #summertimefine #lifestyle #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #blackfitness #blackgirlsrock #herbaliferesults #herbalife #herbalifers #confidence #consistencyiskey🔑 A post shared by jermarilyn😍💅🏾💁🏽 (@jmareboo) on Mar 12, 2017 at 7:19am PDT Transformation of the Day: Jermarilyn lost 70 pounds in 7 months. This single […]
Jennifer lost 60 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jennifer lost 60 pounds. She was dealing with depression, low self-esteem, pre-diabetes and high blood pressure. Diets hadn’t brought her lasting results in the past. This year, she found the will to stick with it and figure out what works for her. Check out how she is getting results. My name is […]