Transformation of the Day: Toni lost 30 pounds and went from a size 16 to a size 10. After going in and out of the hospital for 20 years due to colon disease, she is now medicine free. She shared with us how she used fitness and healthy food to change her life. I have […]
Before and After Photos
Michele lost 73 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Michele lost 73 pounds. This army wife and mother of 5 learned the importance of eating real food, exercising regularly and being consistent. Check out her results. Hi!! I’m Michele Brooks. I’m an army wife and mother of 5. I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago at my heaviest […]
Danielle lost 170 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Danielle lost 170 pounds. She released the weight and maintained her success over the past 7 years. She is passionate about telling her story because she was obese throughout adolescence and early adulthood. Check out how she changed her life. My wellness journey began about 7 years ago when I discovered that […]
Jasmine lost 60 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jasmine lost 60 pounds. Her faith in God was a huge motivational factor on her journey. She is a teacher, a mom and a wife, but she figured out how to work fitness into her schedule and transition to a plant based eating. Check out her story. Starting weight: 192 pounds […]
Tiersa lost 43 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tiersa lost 43 pounds. This proud mom learned that you can’t exercise away bad eating habits. Once she focused on nutrition, she was able to get the results she was looking for. Check out her journey. What was your starting weight? 198 pounds What is your current weight? 155 pounds What […]
Precious lost 60 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Precious lost 60 pounds. Depression, pre-diabetes and depression could not stop her. By focusing on faith, fitness and healthy eating habits, she has transformed her body and regained her health. Check out her journey. Before I lost the weight, I was depressed and pre-diabetic. I had high blood pressure and a […]
Caprisha lost 53 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Caprisha lost 53 pounds. At the beginning of this year, she made a commitment to exercise and eat right. Over the course of 9 months, she’s gone from a size 16-18 to a size 8 and created a new, healthier way of life.
Patreasha lost 2 dress sizes
In a little over a month, Patreasha lost approx. 2 dress sizes and reignited her passion for fitness. Check out how she did it. In 2014, I lost a lot of weight and became a personal trainer. I was counting calories and working out 2 times a day at the time. By the end of 2015, […]
Amber lost 70 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Amber lost 70 pounds. The passing of her dear mother due to cancer motivated her to invest in getting healthy. During her journey, she became a pescatarian, hired a personal trainer and worked hard to get results. Check out her story. Starting weight/Current weight My starting weight was 258 pounds. I […]
Quita lost more than 40 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Quita lost 40+ pounds. She faced a miscarrage and the passing of her great-grandmother this year. Despite pain, anxiety, depression and fertility issues, she has not given up. Check out her story. When I turned 30, I was tired of my depression, anxiety, struggling to conceive and my overall unhappiness with […]