Transformation of the Day: Brittany lost 85 pounds. She was tired of being tired and tired of making excuses. Portion control, cutting back on carbs and exercise worked for her, but the real results came from changing her mindset. She shared some excellent insights with us. Check out her journey. I started my weight loss […]
Before and After Photos
Jennifer lost 32 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jennifer lost 32 pounds over the course of 4 months. Her wakeup call came in the form of sky high A1C numbers, an abnormal EKG and a diagnosis of Fatty Liver Disease. Enough was enough for this mom of three. She took action and intermittent fasting was her secret weapon. What was […]
Valisha lost 71 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Valisha lost 71 pounds. In the past, she searched for a quick fix solution. When she embraced releasing the weight the old-fashioned way, thru diet and exercise, she finally started seeing the results she was looking for. Check out her story. After the 1,356th time of attempting to lose weight…, and […]
Tina lost 70 pounds
Update: Shout out to Tina! She has released 90 pounds. “This health journey is a daily battle & you have to change your mind set, food intake, circle of people around you & REMEMBER ITS FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH not a number or ‘size’… It’s hard to believe that I’ve gone from a size 22 […]
Raquel’s Update – Skin Removal Surgery and Maintaining Weight Loss
We’ve been following Raquel’s transformation story since 2016. She lost 125 pounds. Recently, she wrote in to tell us about her skin removal surgery, how she’s maintained her success, and what she’s learned on this journey. Tell us about your decision to have skin removal? After losing more than 100 pounds as a result of […]
Janalyn lost 111 pounds
Update 2020: Janalyn has released 123 pounds. View this post on Instagram Just a girl on a journey….transforming on Tuesday as usual. It’s been a minute. Holding steady at 148lbs from 271. Not ever regretting a moment in this life…the good, bad or otherwise because I recognize the lesson in every choice I make. So […]
Kia lost 49 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kia lost 49 pounds. At her annual check up, her blood work showed signs of pre-diabetes, and she found out that her weight was affecting her reproductive system. However, her doctor’s use of the words “morbidly obese” is what really served as a wakeup call. She did her research, adopted a Keto […]
Da’Shon lost 78 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Da’Shon lost 78 pounds. She found inspiration while watching her mother successfully release 100lbs and transform her health. By gradually changing her eating habits and working out for fitness and stress relief, she has also transformed. Check out her story. What was your motivation? My motivation to lose weight was my […]
Theresa lost 36 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Theresa lost 36 pounds. The prospect of having to take high blood pressure medication motivated her to make some significant lifestyle changes. With the help of her coach, worked out every day and changed the way she thought about food. Check out her story. What was your motivation? What inspired you […]
Joy lost 55 pounds
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Joy Jackson (@chasingbodygoals) on Jan 22, 2019 at 5:05am PST Transformation of the Day: Joy lost 55 pounds. She was tired of feeling bad about herself and wanted to get back to her happy, joyful self. Instead of trying to make extreme changes all at once, […]