Transformation of the Day: Ariel lost 23 pounds and 2 dress sizes. She’s been on her journey for a few years now, and she became a vegetarian 3 years ago. In 2018, she decided to invest in a nutritionist and a personal trainer for support and guidance. Check out her journey.
Before and After Photos
Coleen lost 336 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Coleen lost 336 pounds. Postpartum depression and the pain of losing a child led to significant weight gain and yo-yo dieting. With prayer, determination, and faith, she worked to change her life. Weight Watchers and VSG surgery are two of the tools she used.
Song lost 157 pounds
The passing of my mother made her realized that she was on an unhealthy path. She focused on eating for her body type and made getting 30 minutes of exercise a day a priority. Check out her journey.
Sinaya lost 100 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Sinaya lost 100 pounds. After finding out that her cholesterol was dangerously high, she worked with a nutritionist to lower her cholesterol. Becoming a pescatarian, practicing intermittent fasting and committing to regular exercise has changed her life.
Kenya lost 50 pounds
Kenya lost 50 pounds. In September 2018, she decided to restart her efforts to release the weight, and she was determined not to give up this time. She educated herself on nutrition and worked out 6 days a week to get these results. Check out her story.
Kevinanita lost 62 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kevinanita lost 62 pounds. She wanted to live a long life for her children and decrease her risk for diabetes. Today, she knows how to put together healthy meals, and she has become a trainer. Check out her journey.
Donna lost 155 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Donna lost 155 pounds. Her motivation was her desire to become a mother. PCOS was affecting her fertility and her ability to release the weight, so she decided to have gastric bypass surgery back in 2008. Since then, she has transformed her lifestyle and given birth to her daughter. Check out her journey.
Carlene lost 35 pounds
Carlene lost 35 pounds. She embraced a Ketogenic diet, eating less than 30 grams of carbs each day. She also hit the gym, doing cardio and weight training. Check out her story.
Paris lost 50 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Paris lost 50 pounds in 5 months. Working out six days a week and eating lots of healthy food worked for her. She was inspired by the trainers, fitness routines and success stories she saw on Instagram.
Felisia lost 28 pounds
Felisia lost 28 pounds. After having her third child, she struggled to get results when it come to her stomach. After seeing another story we featured, she decided to reach out to a coach for help. Check out her journey.