Transformation of the Day: Andia lost 101 pounds. She wanted to set an example for her daughters of what it means to be physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and financially healthy. Having VSG surgery is part of her journey, along with healthy eating habits and exercise.
Before and After Photos
Stephanie lost 45 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Stephanie lost 45 pounds. She transformed her lifestyle with intermittent fasting, exercise, and by becoming a vegan. Her health has dramatically improved since she embraced a plant-based diet.
Jae lost 74 pounds
Jae lost 74 pounds. Congestive Heart Failure could not stop her from being healthy for her daughter. She learned that healthy eating habits are the key to success.
Erika lost 146 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Erika lost 146 pounds. She wanted to avoid a family history of illness, having lost her father to kidney disease and her mother to heart disease. She worked for several years to figure out what healthy habits work for her, including eating a plant-based diet and weight training.
Jessica lost 66 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jessica lost 66 pounds. She lost 105 lbs and kept the weight off. Then, she got pregnant with her daughter and regained more than half of the weight she lost. By working out at home and switching up her eating and drinking habits, she got back on track.
Ebonie went from wearing a size 16/18 to size 10/8
Ebonie went from wearing a size 16/18 to size 10/8. Her journey started when she rediscovered her love for dancing and started exercising again. Her eating habits evolved as she learned more about nutrition and figured out what works for her and her children.
Ebony lost 101 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Ebony lost 101 pounds. She is a mother of three and a hard-working Medical Assistant. With her children as her motivation, she started making changes in May 2019 to create a healthier lifestyle.
Cherese lost 51 pounds
Cherese lost 51 pounds. After retiring from the Air Force, eating lots of comfort food led to weight gain. During Thanksgiving dinner at a friend’s home last year, she got a wakeup call via photos that were taken that night. She reached out to a weight loss coach for help and guidance.
Tanequa lost 149 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tanequa lost 149 pounds. Since the age of 10, she remembers being put on diets and trying to lose weight. Her breakthrough came when she realized that her weight gain was tied to her innocence being stolen as a child. Gastric Sleeve surgery is the tool she used to reclaim her health.
Tia lost 142 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tia lost 142 pounds. She wants to be as healthy as possible for her family. Cutting out sugar, refined carbs, and soda worked for her. She also works out five days a week. What was your motivation?My family. I looked at them every day and said, “They need me so, I gotta stay […]