Featured Weight Loss Success Story: Carolyn lost 108 pounds. After the loss of her young son, she felt sad, depressed and overweight. Motivation found her in the form of her daughter’s words of love. Now, she is helping others to get healthy and fit. Here is what she shared with us:

“In August 2012, I was sad, depressed, and obese. A year earlier, my one year old son passed away and I was just existing. My wonderful daughter constantly told me how beautiful I was, but I didn’t believe it. What started my weight loss journey was when she said to me, “Mommy, I want to be just like you.”. I reflected on my weight struggles and vowed that I would do anything in my power to make sure she didn’t end up like me in this regard. To help her, I had to first help myself. At my highest weight, I was 273 pounds. I started by joining the YMCA and walking to the YMCA every day, which required me to walk 2 miles up a hill! I put on my sauna suit and walked in the snow, sleet, and rain. Soon, I started running to the gym. At the gym, I worked out for two hours a day, alternating between cycling classes, yoga, and Zumba. During my first yoga class I just stared at the instructor! Downward facing what??? Within 3 months, I was able to complete a 45 minute class.
To stay motivated, I watched A&E Heavy and other shows that highlighted people who lost weight through diet, exercise, and pure grit! I wore all black and told myself that each workout was a funeral for the fat! Every step of the way, my daughter also inspired me to keep going, even when I didn’t think I could. I released a total of 108 pounds through portion control, eating clean, and regular exercise. I became a Zumba fitness instructor and a certified nutritionist. I am now working on becoming a yoga instructor! Sisters, this body of ours is a trust from the Most High. Honor it and take care of it. It is the only way your spirit can fulfill its purpose! Peace and Love.”
Quiana says
To God be the glory!!!!
Halima says
Congratulations Carolyn! You look good. Am happy for you. Sorry about the lost of your son. May you be rewarded for your patients.
aquonette white says
Congratulations, thanks for sharing your journey. You really look great!
Denise says
Thanks for you story….. It’s has inspired me to keep working on me.
Tamiko Jones says
Thank you for sharing your story I feel completely inspired by it. You look beautiful before and after, may the universe continue to bless you and your family
vanessa says
Congrats awesome success story
Tracy says
Ameen, Ameen, Ameen!
E. Harris says
Amen !!!!
Alice Jackson says
What an inspiring story! Congratulations!
Rose says
So inspiring!! Amen and praises to the most high. What a blessing you are to share
Devin Carter says
Congrats Judge…you are an example to all women… keeping letting your works and actions be a light to us all.