Update: Carla lost 114 pounds. She’s had some ups and downs since 2015, but she hasn’t given up.
Transparently speaking, I backslid during my journey. However, I didn’t notice until my husband mentioned it. I was in complete denial and I’d perpetually brush him off. Eating fast food, junk food, soda… you name it. I went from 239 pounds from in 2015 to approximately 270 pounds. I became uncomfortable in my clothing, had low energy, was depressed, etc. I knew that something had to be done. Instead of getting a gym membership, which I’d never use, I began doing something even better, something I’ve become passionate about. KICKBOXING 3 to 4 days a week! I did different full body workouts daily, rotatating my routine. I consumed more quality whole foods, fruit, protein shakes, green smoothies and healthier snacks.
I’ve lost the gained weight and an additional 11 pounds within 6 months. I’m currently at 228 pounds. 114 lbs. down! Within this journey, I’ve learned that it comes down to ONE thing: How BAD do you want it? Your body ACHIEVES what the mind BELIEVES. Someone once said, “When you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe, then you will be successful”. At this point, the advice I’d offer is: This fitness journey is absolutely stressful andexhausting. However, I realize that no one can do this for you. You have to do it for YOURSELF. Just believe that you can do it and know that weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. I have to tell myself that every time that I don’t feel like I’m getting results. We have to wake up with DETERMINATION and go to bed with SATISFACTION. One pounds at a time!” – New Instagram: @sunkiss.my.fitness

Weight Loss Story of the Day: Carla lost 102 pounds with weight loss surgery. Facing diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, she made the choice to have surgery and change her lifestyle. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey…
Starting Weight: 341.7 pounds
Current Weight: 239 pounds
Goal Weight: 170 pounds
Height: I’m 5’4″ 1/2 tall
Yup, 102 pounds down!! It’s been approximately 16 months on this journey.
WATCH OUT FOR THE BIG GIRLS, WATCH OUT FOR THE BIG GIRLS… but I couldn’t recall the last time I watched out for MYSELF. Of course, I chanted “Big is Beautiful”, “Fat Girls Rock”, and “Big Girls Do It Better”. However, the truth is that I was unquestionably and undeniably lackadaisical about it. I refused to face change, and was too lethargic to accept the challenge. I was petrified of fast food backslides, junk food withdrawals, and “Ugh, this is rabbit food” portions. Although I was loved by many, had an abundance of friends, great personality and a bright smile (which I often masked my unhappiness behind), I was only 25 years old and facing multiple health issues. Pre-diabetes, Sleep Apnea, High blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and Chest pains. I also hadn’t had a menstrual cycle for 4.5 years. All of this was as a result of obesity. My BMI was off the chart… literally.
However, after my yearly physical in September 2013, I understood something imperative. My “I got sunshine on cloudy day” smiles, and “Aww, I just wanna’ pinch your cheeks” babyface wasn’t sufficient, because my health was diminishing. In October 2013, I accepted the challenge. I lost 30 pounds in 4 months, but my doctor said “That’s progress, but you have to press harder because you’re still borderline diabetic.” So, I decided to get a procedure called the Gastric Sleeve, which shrinks your tummy, so you’ll get full quicker. Now, my stomach only holds 4 ounces of food at a time, which allows me to eat miniature meals daily. Weight loss surgery is an impeccable TOOL to aid in weight loss, but not the SOLUTION to weight loss.
We are sexy, but you know what looks even sexier? Better health. 2015 is MY year, and it can be yours too. I’m fighting these obesity demons. Changing bad habits and altering our lifestyles is essential. Weight loss isn’t easy, but never give up. Pick yourself up and keep going. Put your excuses to the side and remember this: YOU ARE CAPABLE! Be stronger than your excuses. We CAN do this!”
I changed my eating habits by consuming more baked foods and less fried foods. I meal prepped and ate less fast foods. I drank more water, more juice and less pop. More fruits and less junk. I’ve slacked up at times, because junk food is quite addicting. I learned to eat until I’m satisfied, but not full. I don’t calorie count, or follow a particular eating regiment. I’m just try to be cautious about what I consume.
I walk for exercise and workout with exercise DVDs as well. I do lunges, squats, crunches and bicep curls with 15lb dumbbells. The biggest thing is that when I fall, I get back up. Don’t beat yourself up. I used too but I don’t anymore.
Deja says
So inspiring 🙂
Kim says
Go on with your bad self!!I can’t wait to see your update because I know just from what I read that you will exceed your own expectations…. Get ready world!!
Latoria says
You look amazing! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!