Let’s show some BWLW love to Muriel. She lost the weight by working out via DVD with Jillian Michaels and changing her eating habits. She wrote in to share her story with us: “Hi my name is Muriel Merritt. I would love to share my story. I started May 1, 2013 on my weight loss […]
Belinda lost 65 pounds
Featured weight loss success story: Belinda lost 65 pounds. She embraced running, vegetarianism and juicing as part of her weight loss and health plan. Here is what she shared with us: “A few years before my before picture was taken, I visited my doctor for a regular check up and she said ” If you […]
Ten Great Before & After Stories in September 2013
September was a great month for Black Women Losing Weight and Black Weight Loss Success. We were nominated for Best New Web Site and Best Health Blog by Black Web Blog Awards thanks to all of you (yay!). We also had a good number of women contribute incredible success stories about their weight loss battles […]
What is Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery?
With gastric sleeve weight loss surgery, the stomach is reshaped to create a narrow, tube-like “sleeve,” rather than its original gourd-like shape. This reshaping helps to reduce the size of the stomach and allows you to feel fuller faster. It also changes the amount of food that it is possible for you to eat at […]
5 Reasons You Should Start a Food Journal for Weight Loss
Many experts and nutritionists encourage people to keep a food journal when they are trying to lose weight. There are so many tools out there like FitBit, My Fitness Pal and the Lose It app to use as mobile or online food journals. Unfortunately, most people understand this to mean keeping obsessive count of calories […]
Tsitsi lost 75 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Tsitsi lost 75 pounds over the course of 2 years after giving birth to her 2nd baby. This should give some hope to ladies out there who are still dealing with baby weight, months or years after the birth. Here is her story: “Hi im Tsitsi! I’m a mom […]
Brittany lost 88 pounds
Featured weight loss story of the day: Brittany lost 88 pounds. After a bad breakup and with her cousin as her Zumba partner/inspiration, she learned to eat clean and workout regularly. Here is her weight release story: “My name is Brittany and I began my lifestyle transformation back in 2011. I had recently went through […]
Tanisha lost 24 pounds
Tanisha wrote to us to share that she has lost 24 pounds. It just goes to show that you don’t have to have tremendous weight loss to be excited about getting healthier and having greater wellness. “Hi, my name is Tanisha and I am emailing you because I was asked to share my weight losa […]
Joellé lost 79 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Joellé lost 79 pounds in about 8 months by leaving fast food alone, working out for 2 hours per session, and changing her way of thinking about things like food. She was motivated by the loss of a dear friend. Here is her story: “Hello, My name is Joellé and I’ve recently […]
Brandy lost 175 pounds with weight loss surgery
Let’s show some love to Brandy. She lost 175 pounds over the course of 2 years with weight reduction surgery and changing her lifestyle habits. Here is what she shared with us about her journey to greater wellness: Hello, my name Brandy. I was 410 pounds at my heaviest weight. I decided to have the […]