Today’s featured weight loss success story: Lisa lost 119 pounds over the course of 3 years. After facing Hurricane Katrina and while caring for a loved one, she found the direction to lose the pounds and get healthy. Here is what she shared with us: “While scrolling on Facebook I saw your page and wanted […]
LaTanya lost 140 pounds with weight loss surgery
Latanya wrote in to us to share her story. She had gastric bypass surgery and has lost 140 pounds. Here is what she shared about losing the pounds and changing her lifestyle: “Hello my name Latanya. My starting weight was 380 pounds. I have been on every diet known to man. On December 23, 2011, […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #6: Drink Water Instead of Other Drinks
The October Challenge is going strong and Ladies are writing in to report that they are finding a myriad of ways to make weight loss more affordable. Here is my tip for Day 6: Drink Water Instead of Other Drinks. This tip is a no brainer. Think about all the money you could save on […]
La’Silya lost 137 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: La’Silya lost 137 pounds. She wrote to us to share the simple changes she made in terms of exercise and healthy eating to lose the weight. Check out her story: “My name is La’Silya. I wanted to share my story to help others in my same situation. On Easter […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #5: Pick Cheaper Cuts of Meat
Hi Ladies, Here is your Weight Loss on a Budget Tip for Day 5 of our Oct Challenge: Pick Cheaper Cuts of Meat! Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Does cheaper mean that I’m choosing lesser quality meats?”. No. I doesn’t have to mean that. You just have to know what you are looking for […]
Marnita lost 130 pounds
Weight loss success story of the day: Marnita lost 130 pounds. She is 51 years old and a proud grandmother of six. Here is what she shared with us about how she lost the weight: My name is; Marnita E Nichols, 51 years old. Mother of 3 daughters and 6 grandsons. This is my story: […]
Tambra lost 33 pounds
Let’s show some love to Tambra. This proud army wife and mom of 3 shared with us how she lost 33 pounds with exercise, juicing and changing her eating habits. Here is what she shared: “Hello, My name is Tambra. I’m a 29 year old stay at home Army wife and mother of three. I’ve […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #4: Use Daily Deal Sites
I’m doing a tip everyday for our October Challenge and here is today’s tip: Use Daily Deal Sites to find special offers and discounts. Are you familiar with Daily Deal sites like LivingSocial and Groupon? Well you might be missing out on deals for local exercise bootcamps, yoga classes, healthy meals at restaurants, local food […]
Tameka lost 129 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Tameka lost 129 pounds. This proud mom of 2 lost the weight after creating her own custom weight loss plan by combining all the things she knew how to lose the pounds. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey: Hi, my name is Tameka. I […]
Natasha lost 30 pounds by eating clean and exercising
Natasha wrote to us to share her weight loss journey. This proud mom has released 30 pounds by eating clean, counting calories and exercising. Read all about how she did it: “Hi! This is my first attempt at losing weight naturally and I’m succeeding. Thus far, I have released 30 pounds by eating clean and […]