Weight Loss Story of the Day: Rachelle lost 136 pounds going from 340 to 204 pounds. She embraced exercise and eating healthy. Now she is an inspiration to those around her who have seen her progress. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey: My name is Rachelle and I’ve been […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #12: Plan Your Leftovers
Today’s Weight Loss on a Budget Tip will help you save money on your meals, especially when eating out in restaurants. Tip #12: Plan Your Leftovers! There are many reasons why leftovers are awesome when you are on a budget: Eating leftovers means that you are not purchasing or preparing new food for each meal. […]
Whitney lost 82 pounds
Let’s show some love to Whitney who has lost 82 pounds. This lady of Zeta Phi Beta wrote to us to share how she pushed past the pounds and the pain of losing loved ones to obesity and began changing her life earlier this month. Here is her story: “Hello, my name is Whitney. I […]
Valencia lost 131 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Valencia lost 131 pounds. This young lady decided to make the lifestyle changes she needed to make to overcome obesity, depression and raise her self esteem. Here is what she shared with us: My name is Valencia and I’m 22 years old. Growing up, I suffered with obesity and […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #11: Make Your Own Flavored Water
It’s almost the end of Week 2 of our October Challenge. Here is today’s Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #11: Make Your Own Flavored Water. Homemade, flavored water is a great replacement for soda, drinks with diet sweeteners, commercial juice and high calorie drinks. You also save money on beverages because all you need […]
Body Refined shares how Flo lost 71 pounds
Personal Trainer Kurt Dixon of Body Refined, Inc in MD wrote to us to share another success story (We featured his client Michele back in June). His client Flo lost 71 pounds and he interviewed her about her journey. “I was turning 30 in a matter of months and wanted to go into that new […]
8 Ways to help your children avoid childhood obesity
Progress has been made in lowering the statistics of childhood obesity but it remains a significant problem. Over 17% of all children ages 6 to 19 are overweight. While there has been a small reduction in overall childhood obesity, there has also been a rise in children who are considered to be morbidly obese. Childhood […]
6 Tips to help you find the best personal trainer
Hiring a personal trainer isn’t just for pro-athletes and celebrities. Everyone can benefit from even 6 sessions with one. The cost is worth it because you will benefit in two ways. For one, a trainer can show you the exercises and routines to perform to reach your goals and show you how to do them […]
Martina lost 111 pounds
Featured weight loss success story: Martina lost 111 pounds. She no longer suffers from pre-diabetes, sleep apnea, knee issues or high blood pressure. She wrote to us and shared how making lifestyle changes helped her get healthy: “Hi. My name is Martina and I am a 33 year old woman, wife and mother of two girls. […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #10: Stop Paying for Sweet Coffee Drinks
It’s Day 10 of our October Challenge. Here is your Weight Loss on a Budget Tip for the Day: #10 – Stop Paying for Sweet Coffee Drinks. You can save money and avoid excess calories by avoiding sweet coffee drinks. You know that ones I’m talking about…I won’t mention the brands. I’m talking lattes, mochas, […]