Today’s featured weight loss success story: Donesha lost 81 pounds. She has shared a great amount of detail about her weight loss journey and talks about how family illness impacted her decision to get healthy. Her is what she had to say: My name is Donesha Bolden and I am a 33 year old educator […]
Kieba lost 42 pounds in 7 months
Let’s show some BWLW love to Kieba. She wrote in to let us know how she lost 42 pounds in 7 months time. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: “I lost 42 pounds in 7 months. My wake up call was looking in the mirror and seeing someone I hated after […]
Change 3 = Change Your Life and Don’t Eat That! Wristbands
All wristbands currently out of stock Weight Loss Motivation Wristbands – Wear our Change 3 and “Don’t Eat That!” wristbands to help you stay on track and remind you of your goals. Get the December Challenge Wristband – I’ve created a wristband for this challenge. Get it for just $3.50 (includes shipping and handling). The […]
Catrice lost over 120 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Catrice lost over 120 pounds and now she helps other to reach their fitness and weight loss goals. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss story: “Catrice’s weight battle began at the early part of life and continued until her teenage years. Food was and has always […]
Dionne lost 54 pounds
I’m sharing Dionne’s story and photos tonight. She lost 54 pounds and knows that slow & steady wins the race. Here is her weight loss story: “Hello, my name is Dionne Dunston and I would like to submit my weight loss success story. My motivation was wanting a healthier life and not wanting the scale to […]
Chiquita lost 51 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Chiquita lost 51 pounds and cites My Fitness Pal as being the thing that most helped her learn what to eat and lose weight. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: “I’ve always wanted to be a success story. So I’m going to share my 51 […]
Rhonda lost 20 pounds
Let’s show some love to Rhonda. This Sigma Gamma Rho sista (my soror) lost 20 pounds and tightened up her midsection. Check out what she had to say about her weight loss journey: “Love and Light to BWLW! My name is Rhonda Brown-Massey and I am a 33 year old mother of a 7 year […]
Ada lost 115 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Ada lost 115 pounds. This proud nurse gained and lost weight over a number of years and suffered from sleeping and breathing issues. She came up with a plan that worked for her and lost the weight. Here is what she shared with us: “Hi, my name is Ada […]
Darlene lost 70 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Darlene lost 70 pounds with handwork, the help of workout buddies and great trainers. This proud mom and Air Force wife has shared a tremendous amount of detail on how she lost the weight. Here is what she shared: “Here’s my story… Just like many people, I have dieted and exercised practically […]
Natalie lost 90 pounds
Let’s show some love to Natalie. This mother of 5 lost 90 pounds with a low carb diet and lots of exercise. Here is what she shared with us: “Hello, I want to share my weight lost story with you all. I started my weight loss journey on June 8 2012. I was 376 pounds at […]