Transformation of the Day: Nathia lost 75 pounds. She simply wanted to be healthy, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Tired of yo-yo dieting, she exercised and ate healthy food to transform her body and her lifestyle. Check out her story.
Cynthia lost 149 pounds
Cynthia lost 149 pounds. She was a heavy smoker who suffered from many health issues, including sleep apnea and diabetes. Her crusade to free herself from obesity has transformed her business. Now, she helps people change their lifestyles with her catering business.
Gabriella lost 41 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Gabriella lost 41 pounds. Meal planning and cooking her meals at home paid off. Her workout routine is a mix of cardio and weight training. Check out her story.
Valerie lost more than 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Valerie lost more than 90 pounds. After losing a significant amount of weight with healthy eating habits and exercise, she decided to enroll in grad school to become a nutritionist. While facing some challenges, she regained some of the weight. She used the knowledge that she’s gained over the years to get back on track and release the weight. Check out her journey.
Shiffon lost 81 pounds
Shiffon lost 81 pounds. Learning about a close friend’s medical condition inspired her to change her lifestyle. Since 2012, she has put in the work to get results.
Karen lost 48 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Karen lost 48 pounds. She wanted to live her best life and get off high blood pressure medication. With the help of a friend, she was able to reduce her sugar intake, change her eating habits and create a workout routine that works for her. Check out her journey.
Alexus lost 31 pounds
Alexus lost 31 pounds. She stopped complaining and took charge of her life. Walking 5 miles a day and cleaning up her eating habits helped her release the weight, but patience was the key. Check out her story.
Dionna lost 55 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Dionna lost 55 pounds. She had low self-esteem and didn’t like the person she had become. By being consistent with daily workouts and healthy eating habits, she was able to transform her body and her mindset. Check out her story.
Deannia lost 89 pounds
Deannia lost 89 pounds. Her child was born premature right after her father passed away due to a heart attack. Those two events combined became the catalyst for her to focus on her health. She worked out, cleaned up her eating habits and got results. Check out her story.
Gina lost 80 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Gina lost 80 pounds. This proud mom just wanted to live a healthy life without limitations and see her children grow up. She was not going to let a family history of diabetes stop her, so she adopted a low carb lifestyle and worked out consistently. Check out her story.