Transformation of the Day: Mo Diva lost 156 pounds by changing her lifestyle and embracing healthy habits. Her turning point came in 2011 when her beloved cousin passed away due to a heart attack. After two and a half years of hard work, this rapper feels healthier and more comfortable on stage.
Joanne lost 115 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Joanne lost 115 pounds. After her brother was killed, she used food to deal with her grief and gained a lot of weight. Knowing that her brother would want her to live a healthier life, she decided to change her eating habits and start exercising.
Brittani lost 43 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Brittani lost 43 pounds. She had an eating disorder in high school, and after getting better, she experienced significant weight gain. Over the years, she has worked to be the healthiest version of herself, while learning that this journey is not linear. It comes with challenges, but they can be overcome.
Rebecca lost 95 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Rebecca lost 95 pounds. She started her journey almost a year ago after a health scare. Knowing that her son’s graduation and her 45th birthday would happen in 2020, she wanted to look and feel her best for both occasions.
Courtney lost 41 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Courtney lost 41 pounds. Her wakeup call came on Easter Day 2019 when she saw photos from church. She cried all day long and felt like she let herself go. The next morning, she started began to take action to change her life.
Jade lost 84 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jade lost 84 pounds. Three years ago, at 18 years old, she started her health and fitness journey. She learned about the benefits of eating nutrient-rich whole foods and weight training. She also learned how to more disciplined and focused in terms of her mindset.
Gladys has gone from a size 14 to a size 10
Gladys has gone from a size 14 to a 10. This nurse no longer uses the scale to track her progress. At the beginning of her journey, she thought that she could eat whatever she wanted as long as she worked out. With time, She learned how essential healthy eating habits are for getting results.
Danell lost 67 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Danell lost 67 pounds. Years of unhealthy eating habits and not being active took a toll on her health, leading to weight gain and high cholesterol. She not only learned what healthy habits work for her, but she learned the power of discipline and consistency.
Candance lost 126 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Candance lost 126 pounds with intermittent fasting and exercise. Her daughter inspired her to be an active and healthy mom. She learned to trust the process and listen to her body.
Ashley lost 50 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Ashley lost 50 pounds with healthier eating habits and exercise. She lost her job due to the current crisis, but she found a silver lining because the loss caused her to cut out fast food and cook more meals at home.