It’s time to Step it UP, Sis! – Join us July 1-21, 2020
In July, we are giving you a daily step goal and a daily task to complete.
Hoda lost 85 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Hoda lost 85 pounds. This 26-year-old sista from London shared her awesome transformation story with us. She stepped out of her comfort zone and created a more disciplined lifestyle with intermittent fasting, healthier eating habits, and lots of exercise.
Ayannah lost 101 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Ayannah lost 101 pounds. In 2018, she realized it was time to deal with her depression and lack of self-worth, and instead start loving herself. She worked out 3-4 days a week and transitioned to Veganism.
Lawanda lost 30 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Lawanda lost 30 pounds. As she was preparing to retire from a 20-year career in the military, she was ready to make a change. After experiencing weight gain over the holidays, she reached out to a weight loss coach for help.
Sade lost 27 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Sade lost 27 pounds. After her husband was deployed, she started her health and fitness journey. Although she was stuck at home with her baby girl and no car, she worked out at home and got great results.
Aimee lost 103 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Aimee lost 103 pounds. Although she lost more than 200 lbs in 2014, she gained the weight back after giving birth in 2015. Depression, exhaustion, and pre-diabetes did not stop her from living a healthy life for her kids. She decided to have VSG surgery and change her lifestyle.
Darneasha lost 82 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Darneasha lost 82 pounds. After a high blood pressure diagnosis, she knew it was time to take action. She made practical changes to her eating habits and committed to working out 5 to 7 days a week.
Merinda lost 125 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Merinda lost 125 pounds by changing her eating habits and working out four times a week. Health and fitness became top priorities for her. Along with physical strength, she worked to build up the mental strength to stay the course and not give up. What was your motivation? What inspired you […]
Ashley lost 92 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Ashley lost 92 pounds. She was using unhealthy food to cope with anxiety. This emotional eating led to weight gain, low self-esteem, and even more anxiety. She broke the cycle by seeking out help from a personal trainer and committing to healthy eating habits. Consistency and patience are key to her […]
Jennifer lost 77 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jennifer lost 77 pounds/35kg. Her lifestyle change has been all about discipline and patience. She meal prepped, maintained a calorie deficit, and worked out consistently because she was focused on her big why: Health.