Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Andrea lost 65 pounds. This proud mom and nurse designed her own weight loss plan after doing her research and finding out what would work for her. She hopes that her story encourages someone as many of the BWLW success stories have given her inspiration. Here is what she shared with us about how she lost the weight:
“I just want to be an inspiration to someone else, just like those who’s stories you have posted before! I will never forget scrolling on my Facebook timeline and seeing success stories from full figured women like myself.
After having two babies one year apart and coping with the stress of finishing nursing school, I decided I make a change in December of 2012 after graduation. I didn’t opt to follow a planned diet or workout by the book. I simply sat down and re-evaluated my habits.
I made a list of all the foods that were obviously bad for me. I was consuming 3 times the sugar recommended daily! I knew there was time for a change. To start my journey, I did a 10 day detox to flush my system from all parasites that slowed down digestion and my metabolism. After the flush, I began a “self made” diet that consisted of 64-90 oz of water a day, lots of fruits and vegetables, white meat only, baked everything and no sweets or soda. I didn’t have bread unless it was whole wheat, and ate nothing after 7pm. The key to weight loss is not starving yourself. So many of us think that not eating is what helps when it’s actually the eating the speeds the metabolism to burn more fat! So, I definitely took heed to consuming small frequent meals a day.
I didn’t begin working out right away, because I wanted to make sure my body was in good condition to handle the change. I hadn’t worked out for over 10 years since I played basketball in high school! However, when I did began to work out I started out with 2 miles a day at a local track and slowly progressed to adding a mile a week. After I reached my goal of 5 miles a day, I started spacing my day and doing walk/jogging every other day. I am not at my goal yet but working toward it daily but I am proud to say I am 65 pounds lighter then when I first began. It feels great!!
The key to losing weight is becoming familiar with your body and what works for you. Do your research and stay committed to working towards a better you! I came up with a phrase to remind myself daily that I’m 3D – I Don’t Diet, I Discipline. Hope my story can help someone else!!”
Instagram: @gr08one
Twitter: @thegr08one
Stacie says
Congratulations on your weight loss! What kind of 10 day detox did you do?
Kira says
Congrats and you look beautiful. I am going to go your route on my Journey to loosing weight. I luv the way you went about things. God
Nikki says
What did your 10 day detox consist of?
Camika says
What detox program did you use?
Nico says
Thank u, ur story just helped me start my own success story!!!
Charity says
So happy for you darling
What detox did you use?
cherron r. wilson says
I love it, and you look amazing.
Yisrael says
What detox did you use. Thank you
Angel says
Wow…Amazing. Pls what 10 day detox did you do and what exactly did you use. Thank you