Transformation of the Day: Jasemine lost 82 pounds. This Navy veteran found success by eating a low carb, high protein diet and working out five days a week. During this process, she has learned to love her body, stretch marks, cellulite, loose skin, and all.
My name is Jasemine, and I’m a 26 years old Navy vet. In December 2014, I was 20 years old and depressed due to gaining 20 pounds. I switched birth control and went from 163 pounds to 185 pounds in a matter of months.
Fast forward to December 2015: I was involved in a car accident that severely messed up my back and left me with permanent nerve damage. Due to a combination of pain, depression, and laziness, I gained an additional 70 pounds over the course of a few years. After being medically retired from the military and moving back across the country, I decided it was time to stop hating how I looked and feeling sorry for myself.
I started my fitness journey in December 2018. In 1 1/2 years, with lots of hard work & determination, I’ve lost 82 pounds. I’m learning to love my body— stretch marks, cellulite, loose skin, and all. It has been such a challenging journey, but I’ve learned so much about myself, self-care, self-love, etc.
I have about 15 pounds left to lose until I reach my final weight goal. Looking back through pictures over the past six years, I never thought I would be where I am now with my weight.
I hope I can inspire someone who is just starting their fitness journey. I hope to encourage anyone who has hit a wall or anyone who needs a little help seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
How did you change your eating habits?
The most significant change I made to my eating habits was starting a high protein/low carb diet. Eating this way kept me full longer, eliminating the need to snack throughout the day. I’ve also learned that cheat days are important, and you don’t always have to be so hard on yourself.
What was your workout routine?
My workout routine consisted of weightlifting and cardio. I pushed myself to workout five days a week with two rest days. A huge turning point for my workouts was discovering Hanna Oberg’s fitness guides and Sculpt You.
What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 257 pounds. I currently weigh 175 pounds. My goal weight is about 160-165, so I’m right on track.
What is your height?
My height is 5’5″.
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to not be so hard on myself. My journey has taken longer than expected, and I used to beat myself up about not hitting certain weight goals on time.
What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
Some days will be harder than others. Never lose sight of the end goal, and always pick yourself back up when you get off track. Never give up on yourself!
Use this time as a way to learn as much as you can about yourself, not just physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Self-care is a crucial part of any weight loss journey! Good luck, Ladies
Instagram: @lee.jas
Channing Lamar says
Great advice!! Thanks for sharing!