Update March 2021: Shout out to Harriet. This nurse and mother of three from London lost 21kg/46 pounds. She started her weight loss journey in May 2020 during the first lockdown in the UK. As a nurse and frontline worker, she saw how many were becoming ill and how obesity factored into the mix. She decided to take action and transform her lifestyle.
- Post baby #3: over 100kg/220+ pounds
- Pre-weight loss journey: 93kg/205 pounds
- Current weight: 79kg/174 pounds
How have you continued to make progress?
Weight loss journey for me has become a lifestyle. It’s not something I’m looking to stop because that’s where the challenge is for some. I have successfully maintained my weight loss, and I’m still losing by actively keeping myself active and consciously moving.
When it comes to my eating habits, I make sure I’m eating the right things. The most important part of all is POTION CONTROL. Everyone is different, and our metabolism might not be identical, so figure out what works for you. Remember, if you EAT the right food, the RESULTS will show. For exercise, I do simple home workouts and power walk at least 3x 5-10Km a week.
Of the lessons you’ve learned so far, what stands out the most?
I am what I eat, and the food I eat (calories) won’t burn itself. If I want a result, I have to pay the price. (healthy eating habits and exercise).
Would you like to offer any new or different advice to women who want to lose weight?
Just start. Yes, there will be challenges. If you know your WHY, the challenges won’t overwhelm you. Have the ‘ I CAN DO MENTALITY.’
Losing weight starts with the MIND. Once your mind is ready, it gets easier. Remember, if you can get your mind right, everything else becomes achievable. I wish all the strong women out there who want to make this life-changing commitment all the very best.
Instagram: @bodylove_bodygoals
Transformation of the Day: Harriet lost 38 pounds. She is a mother of three and a Registered Nurse from London. She has been on the front line during the pandemic, and we applaud her for her service. Part of her motivation for releasing the weight was how she saw the virus impacting people of color and overweight people.
My name is Harriet, and I’m from London. I’m a mother of three and a Registered Nurse. My pre-pregnancy weight was 57kg (126 pounds). After my 3rd baby, I weighed over 100kg (220+ pounds). I tried everything, all kinds of different diets, but none worked.
When did you start your weight loss journey?
I started my journey on the 13th of May 2020.
What is your motivation?
As a nurse and a front-line worker, I was still seeing patients in their homes at the start of the pandemic. Suddenly, I had all the COVID-19 symptoms. It was so bad that sometimes I could hardly breathe. From the research I did by myself and all the data that was out there, I noticed that the most affected people were obese people. I also noticed how the disease impacted the African and Asian communities. I realized I fell into this category.
I’m a Christian, and I believe I’m praying, so I also did a lot of praying and meditating.
How did you change your eating habits?
I changed my diet completely. I reduced my carbohydrates and ate more vegetables and protein. I also completely stopped drinking fizzy soda drinks and fruit juices. I only drink water and herbal tea. I make sure to drink at least 2 liters a day.
I also started intermittent fasting (16:8 window ), which helped me a lot. For example: For breakfast, I have nothing if I’m fasting. I have a green smoothie if I’m not. For lunch, I would have a green salad with tuna or eggs. Then, for dinner, I will have fish soup, grilled salmon, and lots of vegetables.
What does your workout routine consist of?
I work out 5-6 times a week. 70% of my workout is WALKING. I walk 2-3 hours 2-4 times a week. I held a 150km challenge for the month of August and have involved most of my friends and family. It’s going well. I also do some cardio, weight lift with dumbbells, and workout with kettlebells. I do some lite, beginner workouts from YouTube, but my main exercise is walking.
What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
- Post baby #3: over 100kg/220+ pounds
- Pre-weight loss journey: 93kg/205 pounds
- Current weight: 82.6kg/182 pounds
What is your height?
161 cm/5’2″
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is that my Health is in my hand. I love my body, and I’m ready to get to my target.
What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
Please don’t give up. Don’t give in, keep pressing on, and keep moving. If you fall, get up and keep moving. Most importantly, love yourself.
Instagram: @bodylove_bodygoals
Nancy says
Wow love this