Today’s featured weight loss success story: BWLW Online Community member Jenn lost 46 pounds by changing her eating habits and exercising. Here is what she shared with us:
One year ago, I fell into a depression and food became my best friend. I was eating all of the wrong things. I wasn’t active. I am only 5 ft 4 inches tall and to carry around 252 pounds was causing me pain. My back, knees, feet, and ankles would begin to hurt after only 5 minutes of walking. My clothes were getting bigger. One day, I looked at myself in the mirror and all I could do was cry. It didn’t matter that others saw me without flaws. I was unhappy and tired of feeling that way. The next day, I ate and drank all of my favorite things (Doritos, Reeses, Pepsi, french fries). At the end of the day, I threw away everything I didn’t eat and decided at that very moment to start living healthy. I decreased my carbohydrate intake to a minimum of 50 grams daily. I eliminated sugar, sodas and juices and increased my water to a gallon a day. I also incorporated more vegetables into my meals. I joined a gym and began to do Zumba classes. Today I am 46 pounds lighter! I have never been so proud of myself in my life.
Everyday is a struggle but it’s so worth it. The camera is now my best friend and all of my loved ones can see my confidence. I am still working toward my goal, which I’ll share as soon as I am there. That dark and dismal place of my past won’t EVER see me again. You can believe that! For all of you that chose healthy living, I applaud you. It’s not easy…But it’s SO worth it!
Rhonda says
Very well written! Congratulations on your success!! Stories like this inspire me! Thank you!
Cherron says
You look amazing, keep up the good work.
Kimberly says
Great job. Thanks for sharing, it sure is an inspiration.
Angell says
Your story sounds so much like mine! I don’t know
you but Im proud of you. Keep up the good work
and I pray I can stay on target and reach my goal
as well.
Thanks for your story