Transformation of the Day: Clarita lost 159 pounds. After the birth of her second son, she found herself at almost 400 pounds. Her transformation didn’t happen overnight, but she took the time to find out what worked for her in terms of eating and exercise. Check out what she shared with us about how she did it.
Hello, my name is Clarita and I am the mother of two handsome boys. My challenge started after I had my last son. I gained so much weight that it was unbelievable. This change did not happen overnight. I did everything from pushing him in the stroller to joining the gym. It took for me to get pneumonia and the flu at the same time for me to see that I was so heavy that my immune system could not fight off the viruses. So, at that point, it was either lose the weight or have to keep dealing with this issue.
I made changes that I felt would benefit me and my health. I went from those healthy methods to even doing wraps and buying a corset. It was all a mind game, because I was really feeling that these things were working. Maybe they were, but because I wanted the weight off very quickly, it was like it nothing was happening. So, I kept doing what I was supposed to and started working out with the help of a trainer.
I hated the hard work, because it was too challenging and I did not like the pain. However, in order for me to see the results that would get me motivated, I had to be conditioned. I fell off the wagon many times, but I got back on. Just recently I got really fed up and said, “You know what, it is time to start handling business. You know what it is going to take.”
My weight when I first started was 398 pounds. I dropped down to 302 pounds and the weight kept fluctuating. I wondered, “What am I doing or not doing to keep this weight off?” Well, I found out that it was my eating habits. I wanted to eat everything that I was not supposed to and still get results from working out. Well, that was just not working. I really had to leave all the processed food, sweets, carbonated drinks, rice, pasta and bread alone. To further change my eating habits, I even went so far as to join a portion control group where they would fix your food for you and you pick it up for $80.00 a week. When I saw the stuff they we’re fixing me, I said, “Hell, I can do this.” and that is when i really became serious.
At that point, my weight had shot back up. Not to 400 lbs, but I was at 302 lbs. I started eating more grilled chicken, turkey, salads and some protein. I also drank more water. I was losing 5-10 pounds, here and there, but was still not able to maintain the weight loss. That’s when I started working out harder and being more consistent. Today, I weigh 239 pounds.
My advice for others is stick with it no matter how hard and how much you don’t want too. In the end, when you start seeing reaults, you will be very determined to keep pushing for a better you and for better results.
I worked out 6 days a week sometimes, twice a day. I worked on on the treadmill and jumped rope. I was also running, kickboxing, and lifting weights. My height is 5’6″.
Instagram: @4adyme
Janice says
you look amazing, and you have inspired me to keep at it.