Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Jamila lost 104 pounds. This amazing lady has documented her inspiring journey on Instagram. With clean eating and lots of workouts in the pool, she was able to release the weight and change her life. We are happy to share this awesome mom’s with you today…
Hello, My name is Jamila. My motivation for losing weight was that I was tired of being overweight. I was tired of trying to keep up with my boys and just tired of always being tired. I changed my eating habits by giving up all ( or most) unhealthy foods. NO SUGAR, NO SODA, NO FAST FOOD or FRIED FOOD. I began to only eat clean foods, lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables.
At the time, I was over 350 pounds, so walking and other exercises would hurt my feet and ankles. That led to me doing water aerobics. During that time, I learned how to swim and started swimming 5-6 days a week.
My highest recorded weight was 353 pounds. Today I weigh 249 pounds (I’m 5’11” tall). I am not nearly where I would like to be, but I am definitely not where I was. Over this year and a half I have had setbacks and almost gave up, but got back on track. My advice to anyone on this journey is to stay consistent. If things are not working for you, seek out help and advice. Never give up!
Instagram: @healthythickchick
Joni Smith says
I am happy too see you didn’t give up. What a wonderful job you have done.Thank you for the inspiration.
Lindsay Viers says
I would like to loose my belly fat. And I would like to know how how to get rid of it wit your prouduct.