Weight Loss Transformation: Sharon lost over 80 pounds and has gone from a size 28 to a size 18. All her life she was the “cute, fat girl” and now she is healthy and fit. She’s faced a number of obstacles and the loss of her mother to cancer, but with the love and support of her husband she has taken action and changed her life. Here is what she shared with us…
This is a lifetime! All my life, I was the cute, fat girl (or big Sharon behind my back). My mom and dad had me on so many diets as a child, from Weight Watchers, to Nutri-system, to Jenny Craig and the blue diet pills. I all ways said, “God don’t make junk.” I loved my big, beautiful 380 pound self most of my life. Also, due to an injury from 2003, I walk with a limp.
In 2006, my mom had a 2nd go with cancer and she went to glory. This got me thinking about my weight and health. Also, with the new career I was after, I did not want to be an unhealthy hair artist on stage. From 2006 to 2007, I started my journey and lost only 25 pounds. Then, I went to Jamaica with two girl friends and thought I was doing something!
In 2007, my friend, next door neighbor and soul mate Walter finally came home after being away in Montana for 18 years. He was a health nut from way back. He told me that if I was serious about wanting to lose weight he would help me. It started off as a joke and every couple weeks he would tell me something to change and take out my diet. As I started making healthier choices, my gallbladder shut down and I ended up in the emergency room. When Walter asked the doctor what the cure was, he said surgery or cut out heavy fats. After we did some research, I decided to let the gallstones pass, keep my gallbladder and live a healthier lifestyle.
With that being said, one thing I don’t do is step on a scale often. I went from a size 28 to a size 18, and now I’m moving into a size 16 with no girdle. Walter and I got married on 2-14-2010 and he truly is my rock. He is also a personal trainer, NPC top ranked bodybuilder and soon to be pro. Most importantly he is a different type of trainer. He works with you where you are and builds you up as you progress on your journey.
- Chicken, fish, sirloin and brown egg whites
- Raw or steamed veggies
- Fruit (in the am only)
- Brown rice
- Working out at least 2-4 days week
- I did not take fat burners until I lost 80 pounds.
- Breakfast: 3 egg whites, 1yoke and grapefruit
- Snack: Almond snack pack
- Lunch: Cod fish, brown rice and big green salad
- Snack: Veggies and fruits
- Dinner: Chicken, red potato and broccoli or asparagus.
Also, when I lost 80 pounds, I went through a detox for ten days with no meat. I was in tears on some days but when you realize fat is toxic you just want to keep going. My meal plans did cost, so if you are serious you gotta have a good nutritionist. Walter is the first one I’ve worked with that didn’t just put a 300 plus pound lady on 1200 to 1500 calorie diet and say you gotta starve to do it. He taught me that I was starving my body. He showed me that if I would just feed it healthy food, my body would not hold on to the weight but release it.
In the beginning at 300 plus pounds, my workouts started like this: 5 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes on elliptical and exercises for my midsection. Today, I try to workout 3 days a week at the gym and walk daily. Here is my leg workout;
- Warm up 10 minutes on bike
- Ab workout for 10 minutes
- Leg press: 3 sets of 25, starting at 100 pounds and adding 20 each set.
- The next two machines I call “innees and outees”; 3 sets of 50 reps, start with 30 pounds for weight and increase 10 pounds each set
- 3 sets of 50 calf raises
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