Weight Loss Story of the Day: Tanisha lost 67 pounds. Her daughter’s health issues inspired her to release the weight. By making changes to her eating habits and working out on a regular basis, she’s changed her life. Here is what she shared with us about her journey…
I weighed 315 pounds, my knees were always in pain and my clothes were fitting too tight. What motivated me to lose weight was my daughter who has diabetes. She takes insulin shots daily.
I started researching the best diets and the best ways to lose weight naturally. I decided that I needed to go to the gym. I decided go to Lucille Roberts, The Women’s Gym, in Queens NYC. I tried to go and workout daily but I realized it was to much pressure on me, so I started going twice a week. Now, I workout 4 times a week, doing cardio, aerobics, weight training and yoga.
I stopped eating fast foods, chips and candy all together. I used to love snickers bars and I drank ginger ale daily. Instead, I started eating more salads, more fruits and yogurt. I began drinking herbal, 100% organic tea that also helped me have more energy and cleansed my colon. I felt lighter, healthier and I did not have the cravings for
junk foods.
I weighted 315 pounds in October 2014. Now, I weigh 248 pounds.
The most valuable piece of advice that I can give is that you must make up in your mind that you want to lose weight and how much you want to lose. Gradually, start to eliminate the bad foods from your diet, go to the gym and commit to becoming healthy. Once you get healthy and people start seeing your results, you will inspire so many to folllow in your foot steps. Thank you for allowing me to share!
Instagram: @millionairemom83
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