Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Latavia lost 47 pounds. This proud mom of 4 was inspired to change her life after losing two loved ones to complications with diabetes and other health issues. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey…
My name is Latavia. I am a single mother of 4 children. After I lost both of my grandmothers to complications with diabetes and other hereditary health problems in their early 60’s, I knew I had to make a change. Since July of 2014, I have changed my diet. I drink 160 oz of water a day and I’ve cut down my portions of food. I don’t eat any fast food and I watch my portions very closely. I have limited my eating of meat, especially pork and beef. Now, I eat a lot of veggies and fruits and started eating more beans too. I walk 3-5 miles, 3 times a week and work out for 30 minutes a day.
Since I started my journey, I have lost 47 lbs (height: 5’7″). My starting weight was 272 lbs.My goal is to get to 200 pounds by July of 2015. My advice to others is not give up. It was definite a challenge to find the time to fit in a workout. However, I made time. I go on YouTube and find 30 min workouts that aren’t too strenuous on my back or knees. I have also have been using the workout calendar that BWLW provided for the month of March.
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