Juice fasting or juice detoxes are a fairy popular way of giving your overall health a boost and to promote weight loss. There are different types of juice fasting that people use. Some of these focus heavily on green juices, others are fruit-based and finally some techniques involve a mix of these two.
There has been some controversy over juice fasting and worry about its effect on the body. Most people should only consider a short juice fast or juice detox, 3-10 days for example, with a focus on green juices if possible. As with any diet change it is important to research juicing thoroughly and even ask your doctor before beginning. This is especially important if you have some type of illness or ailment. If you have diabetes, are pregnant, have a chronic illness, are on chemotherapy, etc…juice fasting is not for you.
A properly done juice fast can deliver amazing results and really improve your health. Here are just 5 benefits of juice fasting.
- Helps Spark Weight Loss After Hitting a Plateau
In a country obsessed with weight loss, it isn’t a surprise that many people stumble upon juice fasting as a means of losing weight. Since juice fasting is usually only short-term it isn’t going to help you if you just go back to living an unhealthy life afterwards. Juice fasting has to be part of your overall plan to eat healthy as a lifestyle…not just some diet fad plan.What juice fasting is really great for when it comes to weight loss is jumpstarting your body after hitting a plateau. If you just have the last 5 or 10lbs left to drop a juice fast will help you achieve that. If you’re just starting your journey of weight loss you can get a head start by juice fasting before starting your new diet.
- Allows The Digestive System to Rest and Repair
Your digestive system is just like a machine that constantly runs. It rarely gets a break from working and with the overwhelming number of people eating a bad diet, the digestive process is burdened even more. In fact, a study shows that around 74% of Americans have some type of GI symptom, whether it’s cramping, constipation or bloating.
A juice fast allows our bodies to take a much needed break. When only liquid are consumed our digestive tract doesn’t have to work anywhere near as hard and since we are consuming a juiced whole food, nutrients from the juices are able to be absorbed more efficiently. This efficiency also helps our bodies spend more time repairing itself with the nutrients you’re consuming. You may find out that you feel much better when you aren’t eating wheat, dairy products or processed sugar and consider eliminating some foods from your diet.
- Eliminates Toxins and Other Waste From the Body
As you have already read in this article, sometimes juice fasting is also known as juice detoxing. There are toxins and chemicals in all of our food and beverages, sometimes even in the organic food we believe to be whole and healthy. The human body can harbor this toxins and chemicals which in turn causes illness, skin issues, digestion problems and more. This stuff is stored in your fat tissue and lymphatic system, for example.
The juices used in these detoxing programs are packed with toxin-fighting antioxidants. The antioxidants bind the toxins and then are able to remove them from the body. These toxins are removed from the liver, kidneys, GI tract, respiratory system and even bolster the immune system.
- Rehydrates the Body with Nutrients and Water
Another shocking statistic revealed by a study is that approximately 75% of the American population is in some state of dehydration. Water is literally the lifeblood for humans. Despite people realizing the importance of water many still opt for sodas, caffeinated drinks, juices and alcoholic beverages over pure, clean water.
Juice fasting, despite its name, works incredibly well at rehydrating the body with water and nutrients. When the body is hydrated the skin clears and improves, the hair and nails are stronger and grow faster, and the body is able to function properly. Headaches and feelings of constant hungry will also dissipate. There is long list of problems that are symptoms of dehydration which will be fixed when you go on a juice fast.
- Overall Improves Mental Clarity and Energy
One of the most common complaints of young adults and adults is feeling tired even after getting the recommended 8hrs of sleep every night. They might crash halfway through the day or feeling jittery and unable to focus on tasks. These problems are usually related to diet and/or a buildup of toxins in the body.
Going on a juice fast helps heal the body of many problems that cause restlessness and lethargy. Many people who start a juice fast will cite that within just a day or two they feel energized and ready to take on the day. They don’t experience an energy crash and don’t have problems focusing on daily tasks.
Juice fasting can be an advantageous tool if you’re experiencing a plateau with your health and need something to kick start your body. When doing a juice fast make sure you pay close attention to your body and how it responds. On a juice fast you still want to make sure you are getting enough liquids and calories to support your body. Since everyone is an individual, you may have to tweak your juice fasting plan to suit your body and lifestyle.
- Find a healthy plan or juicing book to guide you so that you do not endanger your health while trying to fast. I suggest the Free “Reboot with Joe” juicing program from the creator of “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” Joe Cross.
- Look at juice fasting as a tool on your journey.. You still have to determine how you will change your eating habits for good if you want lasting weight loss.
- You should also consider speaking with your doctor or a medical professional before attempting any fast or detox plan because these programs can be dangerous for people with certain medical conditions.
Joy Love says
I decided to begin with a modified version of the fast that I thought would work for me. I purchased the Nutribullet RX and started with better juicing power. I stopped with the coffee in the morning, I tripled the water and I stopped meat period. After a week, my blood pressure is down and I’ve already lost 9 pounds. YAY ME!
When I lose my fear of succeeding, I’ll begin the full cleanse. I’m looking at Wednesday – starting things on Mondays don’t usually work well for me.