Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Roxanne lost 47 pounds with clean eating and regular exercise. She knew that cleaning up her eating habits would be key to success with releasing the pounds. Here is what she shared about her journey…
Well, My story begins with someone on a New York City train telling me that I was fat. This hurt my feelings really bad. I went home, cried and looked at myself in the mirror nude. I decided that day that I was making a change. This was in September 2014. I got rid of all junk food in my house. Then I went food shopping and loaded up on fruits, veggies and everything healthy. I knew that the change needed to start in my kitchen. After shopping I walked three blocks to the local gym and paid for a membership. I’ve been eating clean and working out 6 days a week for 1 hour and 45 minutes a day ever since and I feel great. As of today (January 2015), I have loss a total of 47 pounds with 20 more to go. I would have never thought this would be me. I started my journey 3 months ago and who would have thought I would achieve this much progress in so little time? I’m at my happiest.
Instagram: @Bosschicsummers718
Lori says
You look great! Go girl!
T says
Congrats! You look great!