Every year rolls people make resolutions and promises to themselves about what they are going to give up in pursuit of better health. Soda is usually on the top of people’s list because we all know soda doesn’t do your body any good in terms of health. Did you know that most commercial juice and other sugary store bought drinks are just as bad? Here are 7 reasons why you need to give up soda, juice and sugary drinks this year.
Reason #7 – Weight gain
Just about everyone knows that drinking soda leads to weight gain because the average soda has 250 calories per serving. Even diet sodas have too much in terms of chemicals when you compare them to water. What you also need to consider is the calorie content of your juices and other sugary drinks. That can of soda could be the equivalent of a donut. Even diet soda affects your blood sugar like a sugary snack and some ingredients can cause bloating. If you use the visual imagery of each soda, diet soda, juice or sugary drink being a donut you are eating through the day – how many donuts are you having? Cutting out these drinks cuts out the weight.
Reason #6 – Diabetes
Surprise! Recent findings have shown that all those “healthy” juices at the store and in smoothie shops are really nothing more than a natural version of a cola for all the sugar they deliver. Commercial juicing strips fruit of the fiber needed to neutralize their natural sugars in terms of blood sugar, making it just as bad as a soda. Also, many juices and bottled smoothies have sugars (not just one type) added into them to increase their taste appeal. All of this sugar, plus the weight gain from associated with these drinks can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.
Reason #5 – Sugary drinks cause fatigue
If your drink sugary things, you will likely have a sugary crash several hours later and wind up feeling more fatigued than you should without the sugar. If you are fatigued, two things could happen. One, you will be less inclined to follow through on your exercise goals. Two, all that extra fatigue comes from your metabolic rate being artificially slowed, this can lead you right back into weight gain territory.
Reason #4 – Give your digestive system a break
The one thing that soda, juice and most sugary drinks have in common is a high acid level. While your digestive system is set up to neutralize acid levels in the liquids you consume, the human digestive system was not meant to handle the majority of your liquids having such a burning degree of acid in them.
Reason #3 – Drinking any kind of soda is hard on your liver and kidneys
Your liver and kidneys are how your body filters out what it considers toxic to your natural state of health. These organs are so smart; they will go ahead and filter out things that the FDA hasn’t decided are toxic yet. More studies are showing that sodas, particularly colas, make the liver and kidneys work overtime and place more stress on them then you want these vital organs experiencing.
Reason #2 – Think of your teeth and gums
While there is a common association with sugary drinks and sodas with tooth decay, juice can also contribute to the destruction of enamel because of their acidic contents. There is another role that sugar plays in oral problems that most people are not aware of, that is it contributes to an environment that can protect infection and help bacteria grow. If you want to get the health benefits of more fruit in your life – eat the fruit or make smoothies. Fruit comes with pulp and fiber that limits the contact its sugars and acids has with your teeth and gums as you consume it. Without that pulp and fiber, you are getting the sugar from the fruit first.
Reason #1 – Dehydration
The number one reason to stop drinking sodas and sugary drinks is they contribute to dehydration. Didn’t know that? Processed sugar is a natural diuretic agent. It cause water to be flushed from your cells at as rapid a rate as caffeine. Dehydration, even at small levels, can lead to fatigue, irritation, contribute to depression and poor sleep habits. None of this is worth it, skip the sugary drinks and reach for some water or one of the many different types of flavorful herbal tea to get you through the day and enjoy the changes that happen this New Year.
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