Angela lost 70 pounds. She is a wife and mother of three. During her first pregnancy, she gained 80 pounds and the pounds lingered for 2 years. Going to the gym, working with a trainer and changing her eating habits led to success. Now, she’s a NASM Master Trainer and she’s helping people to get fit and healthy. Check out her story.
I am a 36 year old wife and mother of 3 beautiful children, (12, 9 and 7 years old). My journey started in 2006, two years after my first child was born. I had always been skinny and able to eat anything that I wanted. However, with my first pregnancy at 24 years old, I gained approximately 80 pounds after the doctor told me that I was underweight. I put on way too much weight by eating unhealthy and ended up having to have a c-section. I was so scared to do anything and those bad habits stuck with me.
Two years after giving birth, I still carried that additional 80 pounds with me. That summer, I went home to visit my family. The look on my Mom’s face, even though she didn’t say anything, when she saw me was ALL the motivation that I needed to get back to being me! I vowed that the next year, when I went back home again, I would get a different reaction from my family. Every time I wanted to quit or give up, I would remember that look on my mom’s face and think about how she would look when she saw the new and improved me.
I joined a gym, and started doing cardio and strength training with a trainer to learn how to exercise. She also taught me about proper nutrition and portion control. I cut out all the sugary drinks, sugary foods and fried foods. I started eating smaller meals more often during the day as well.
I loved it all so much that I decided to become a trainer to learn more about exercise and nutrition. I already had my B.S. Degree in Physical Education. I wanted to be an example for others through sharing my own journey. I also wanted to learn how to help people reach their goals as well! It was great accountability, because I didn’t want to be a hypocrite. I created my own program both for myself and for my clients to teach about healthy lifestyle change and to make fitness more fun. I worked out 5 days a week, doing 30-45 minutes of cardio daily and doing resistance training 3-4 days a week.
I am 5ft, 11 inches tall and I started my journey at 230 pounds with 33% bodyfat. I currently weigh 160 pounds with 18% bodyfat. It took me approximately 9 months to lose the weight, following my program. I got pregnant with my second child soon there after and with my third 9 months after giving birth to my second. LOL I had c-sections with those two as well, due to the previous surgery. I’d learned healthy habits and was a lot more active, so I was able to lose the weight again from my last two pregnancies a lot quicker than the first time.
My advice for anyone looking to lose weight is to love yourself first. Make sure that you are trying to lose the weight for the right reasons, because you will have many ups and downs. Make sure that they are doing resistance training with a cardio routine to speed up the fat burning process, reduce the amount of excess skin, improve strength and tone overall. It will take time and everyone is different, but if you stay consistent…..ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
Instagram: @fitchick825
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